Example sentences of "[verb] on [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 To identify a new chairperson for the board , or to derive full value from bringing on those trustees , five years is too short .
2 A strip of electrician 's tape stuck round both sides of the base to make them waterproof and they 're ideal for bringing on any bulbs destined for the windowsill .
3 Andrew Holden , joint secretary of the Northern Examining Association , said : ‘ We will be looking at the position and seeing whether we think it is worthwhile to offer a similar scheme or whether we would prefer to cut the general level of fees so that we are competing on even terms . ’
4 A mother 's agony goes on 20 years after her son 's death
5 Rushing , rushing , traffic from morning to night : it goes on twenty-four hours a day .
6 None the less , the consensus in the General Assembly will give Mr Perez de Cuellar scope to carry on behind-the-scenes negotiations with all sides in the conflict , to agree to a UN peace plan .
7 The Vought Corporation is developing an ASAT ( anti-satellite ) missile for the USAF to carry on F-15 fighters .
8 A wooden gate , hanging on rusty hinges , dragged half open as Michael set his shoulder to it .
9 hanging on bare branches .
10 tt They 'd got two handles which was b made it mobile , two wheels , and used it Have four sacks at the end of this threshing engine , hanging on little hooks , and and a bloke there seeing that it got filled alright and it when it was full , they used to run this thing underneath a sack , crank it up by hand , like that , till they got it to the required height , then nestle it on their shoulders , you see there was a There 's a there 's an art in carrying c In carrying coal and there 's an art in carrying corn and there 's an art in carrying beef .
11 The white man 's burden had to be carried on strong backs .
12 The number of passengers carried on international flights quadrupled between 1960 and 1970 , and quadrupled again ( to 4.2 million ) between 1970 and 1988 .
13 But Japan Air Lines ( JAL ) experienced only a 3.5% drop in the number of passengers carried on international routes in the year to March 31st .
14 Each section of the deck of the road is carried on sliding bearings , to allow for expansion of the sections .
15 Contemporary with the alterations to the main east-west road , at least one or perhaps two possible public buildings were constructed immediately to the south on Sites 1 and 2 , each with a frontage carried on four columns and set so close to the road that the new roadside drains had to be diverted .
16 Each tank was carried on four pairs of tracks , making a total of 16 points of support to each vehicle .
17 They were carried on four pairs , of which the two middle ones were fixed , whereas to move sideways in a radial direction when going round a curve , though normally they were held in a straight line with the fixed wheels by a pair of springs in compression .
18 The blooms are carried on long stalks and are over an inch across .
19 A 45m or 50m rope should be carried on all climbs , even though only short sections are used when moving together .
20 Of the three windows , the large central one is carried on carved figures , an unusual design , which has much in common with the façade at Spoleto Cathedral , of similar date , but with a later porch in front .
21 The Church of S. Luke has a central dome carried on 12 piers with squinches to transform the square into an octagon while higher up are small pendentives which convert the octagon to a circle .
22 Solid silver is extremely heavy , so these were carried on ceremonial occasions by huge men from a special clan on the Indian side of the border .
23 I have no desire to pass on nasty stories about other people , not even when I know the facts of the case .
24 An untapped telephone number was to be communicated to the gang , who would use it to pass on further details , identifying themselves by the same method they had used with Valesio .
25 ‘ Can we ask all preservationists to keep their eyes out for anyone trying to pass on these parts and a reward will be offered to anyone supplying information .
26 I contacted their next-of-kin and I undertook to pass on any scraps of information , or even rumour , that I could glean from every possible source .
27 The experience of working for a number of American executives , who were too busy protecting their jobs and the inflated salaries that went with them to pass on any responsibilities to me , made a move imperative after about a year .
28 At the prizegiving , the winner is expected to pass on any tips to other members of staff .
29 Amsterdam Travel Service will make every effort to pass on particular requests concerning travel or accommodation arrangements , e.g. adjoining rooms , low floors etc .
30 Well I mean I can assure them that the , the National Rivers Authority in the Thames region is monitoring rivers on a daily basis throughout the year and that we would hope to deal with pollution incidents as they occur , and we would hope with our monitoring and the pressure we put on third parties to er actually over the years , to improve things from what they are at the moment and to make things better .
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