Example sentences of "[verb] her in no " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 One friend who was told of the contents of the letter reveals : ‘ He told her in no uncertain terms that she had to help maintain the dignity of the Crown and consider the repercussions of her actions to the Queen .
2 A close friend confirmed : ‘ He told her in no uncertain terms that she had to consider the repercussions of her actions to the Queen .
3 ‘ Well , I suggest yer get yerself a good mouser , ’ Mr Goodrich told her in no uncertain manner .
4 Florrie told her in no uncertain terms that she would have to get used to it .
5 He told her in no uncertain terms that his father , the Duke of Edinburgh had agreed that if , after five years , his marriage was not working he could go back to his bachelor habits .
6 Everything within her wanted to fight him , but the forbidding expression on his harsh features , and the unmistakable threat in his voice , told her in no uncertain manner she 'd regret it if she did .
7 The predatory gleam in his eyes told her in no uncertain manner that he wanted her too .
8 It went against the grain to meekly obey , but the look in his eyes told her in no uncertain terms that she was standing on the edge of a minefield .
9 When I found her the other side of my desk I told her in no uncertain terms I was n't having anything to do with it .
10 In fact , he had told her in no uncertain terms to go forth and multiply .
11 If he had chosen to , Thomas might have told her in no uncertain terms what was wrong .
12 Her father had told her in no uncertain terms that she 'd lost her mind .
13 The room was what it was , one of many , it meant nothing , it spoke of nothing , it betrayed her in no way .
14 If she did n't know she was worth it , worth everything , then by God , Jay would leave her in no doubt .
15 But the company she was temping for was a subsidiary of Bryce International and her boss had left her in no doubt that everyone was expected to attend .
16 He had left her in no doubt that he wanted to take her to bed .
17 The picture she had just seen was engraved in her mind like a photograph , and even such a short glimpse of the two lovers had left her in no doubt about their identity .
18 She was in one of her sloppy coveralls , which put her in no position to be critical .
19 The next day she 'd discovered his whereabouts from Klein , who 'd warned her in no uncertain manner that John Zacharias was bad news for tender hearts .
20 He did n't mind telling her in no uncertain terms to keep her distance from him , not that she had any inclination to do anything else , but obviously felt no compulsion to obey those rules when applied to himself .
21 There was an edge to his comment that left her in no doubt that everything she said only confirmed the opinion he already had of her .
22 I left her in no doubt as to my view of Geoff Tulloch .
23 Pointing upstairs , he left her in no doubt that she was being ordered back to her room .
24 It was carved into planes of rugged indifference , though the blue eyes that blazed at Charity were filled with cynical censure that left her in no doubt that he had heard almost every word Mandy had uttered about him .
25 No man had ever looked at her like that in her life , and his eyes left her in no uncertain terms as to what he was thinking .
26 He grinned broadly , leaving her in no doubt that she was being teased .
27 I 'm sorry , you know , the woman , I , er , I 've tried to tell her in no uncertain terms there
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