Example sentences of "[verb] her in [pron] " in BNC.

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1 He had caught her in his arms , and there had been a soaring delight , an exchange of joy , wordless , mindless , stronger and infinitely sweeter than anything he had ever known .
2 For swiftly , and with such adroitness that Fabia felt he must have done it many times before , in no time , and before she could blink , Lubor had caught her in his arms .
3 A few years later , when a Japanese professor on holiday in England visited her in our other house in Bath , Hill House in Sion Road , he said to her , in the usual Japanese joky way : ‘ I 'm sure your son will be marrying some nice Japanese lady , Mrs Kirkup . ’
4 She felt a cold disgust as physical as nausea and with it there swept over her a weakness which shrivelled her in her chair .
5 He had forgotten her in his efforts to catch up with her twin .
6 The fine mist at the edges of the room seemed to be drifting closer , enveloping her in its clinging tendrils .
7 This time he turned her to face him , enveloping her in his arms .
8 The role enables the researcher to gain the confidence of the group that accepts her in her false role .
9 ‘ So what you reckon is , she had her boyfriend in , and after he left someone climbed in the window and smothered her in her sleep ? ’
10 Rohan cradled her in his arms , murmuring to her , soothing her , praising her .
11 Now , he was more than slightly taken aback to find her in his room .
12 I grab her in my arms and hug her like I thought she 'd run away , and when I come out of that obliterating kiss I find the kitchen is full of blacks , and though they 're grinning like the sun 's out , I demand what the hell 's been going on ?
13 If a male , for example , is constantly harassing his mate , keeping her in her cave or in a corner of the tank , often with serious damage being inflicted , this shows that he is ready to breed but she is not .
14 Moreover , by simply keeping her in their power they were holding all their options open and preventing Philip from marrying her to someone else and so forging a new alliance .
15 But he woke in the small hours and found her in his arms , just like that first time in the studio at Westfield Manor .
16 Roger , overtaking her in his ramshackle car , pulled up and opened the door .
17 He had carried her in his arms as naturally as if he had been doing so for years , and she had felt right there .
18 He caught her in his arms , swinging her high against his chest , his mouth seeking hers .
19 " This morning I caught her in my cell .
20 He had rescued her in his own way , he had swept away the bitterness and the hurt , but he had added a hurt of his own too .
21 That stopped her in her tracks .
22 Deborah turned away from the signpost and began wading back through the deep undergrowth to the main path , intending to break into a run when she reached it ; but just as she turned off she heard a faint , distant , reedy cry , which stopped her in her tracks .
23 His words stopped her in her tracks .
24 Those words stopped her in her tracks .
25 One thing stopped her in her tracks .
26 But before she could decide whether or not finally to deny it he stopped her in her tracks with another accusation — one that she had definitely not seen coming .
27 She was halfway to the door when Rune 's authoritative command stopped her in her tracks .
28 He could n't be much further from the truth — but , even as she opened her mouth to tell him so , some deep-down instinct stopped her in her tracks .
29 It was the sight of the stranger , the professor , that stopped her in her tracks .
30 Grasping her wrist , Michele stopped her in her tracks .
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