Example sentences of "[verb] her of [art] " in BNC.

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1 Assuming that she is asymptomatic , she either depends on the male who infected her to inform her of the diagnosis or , if he does not , wait for the next person with whom she has intercourse to develop symptoms , discover the diagnosis , and then contact her with the bad news .
2 In the second case , that where the wife agrees to become surety at the instance of her husband though she does not understand the effect of the document or the nature of the transaction , her failure to do so may be the result of the husband 's actually misleading her , but in any case it could hardly ever occur without some impropriety on his part even if that impropriety consisted only in his neglect to inform her of the exact nature of that to which she is willing blindly , ignorantly or mistakenly to assent .
3 Perhaps too the journey had reminded her of the dreadful certainty that within a few years her beauty would fade , and all these inflated hopes and fears had combined to produce a mood of abandon utterly foreign to her that had found its culmination in that jungle storm .
4 Scarlet was relieved , since Camille 's adolescent smile had reminded her of the expression on the face of some ancient , alien reptile .
5 He was some stray who had reminded her of the Scarabae agent .
6 She was gabbling , her voice breathy and barely under control , because she 'd raised her eyes to his face only to find the expression there more disturbing than the casual masculine pose he 'd adopted , and which had already reminded her of the night she 'd spent in his bed .
7 She hopes it 'll rid her of the physical and emotional pain .
8 Your sick parent must be mentally fit to make this decision of her own free will , and it does not rob her of the right to make her own decisions as to the spending of her money or her free access to it .
9 She instanced her of a long line of lagers , I consumed three Waistwatchers , two Seckburgers , an American Way and a double order of Tuckleberry Pie .
10 He was also charged with threatening to kill Miss Lamplugh , 22 , robbing her of a car and possessing two knives and a scalpel .
11 To hurt Thérèse back for robbing her of the lady in the woods .
12 He smiled back at her , and the knife twisted still deeper in Shae 's stomach , robbing her of the pleasure of just a moment ago .
13 His nearness was creating havoc , robbing her of the power to think .
14 Kevin Forman , 25 , of Bairds Buildings , East High Street , Crieff , Perthshire , admitted pointing a replica pistol at a female employee in the Clydesdale Bank , Auchterarder , on 24 November last year and robbing her of the cash .
15 If she lives on her own and poor health has robbed her of a normal social life , it is to be expected that her loneliness may have created such a build-up of unexpressed thoughts , feelings and opinions that she may need to talk herself to a standstill before she is ready to converse with you , and interest herself in anything you have to say .
16 Mrs Robinson , who a few months before had been the mother of a happy and united family , found herself alone in the world ; an inscrutable fate had robbed her of the children who might have consoled her widowhood .
17 She told him her perfume came all the way from Hollywood , in America , where she herself would have been living these last nine years if only Frankie 's birth had not robbed her of the life of glamour and excitement she deserved .
18 Perhaps all those years wasted mooning over Jake had somehow robbed her of the ability to give her love to someone more deserving .
19 It was also reported that a new chapter in Andrew Morton 's controversial biography of the Princess would include details of a letter from the Duke warning her of the damage she was causing the Royal Family .
20 Felipe 's possessive attitude rid her of the attentions of Peter Rainford and when Felipe offered to show them Ana 's skills neither of them looked overjoyed .
21 It was the mother of one of the leaders who told her of a woman of Madeleine 's description being held by the Gestapo .
22 He told her of the visit to the farm , reminded her of the discovery of the swan and the bird 's skull ( though he knew this was taking a chance after her first , alarming reaction to the news ) , and mentioned again the note and the feather in his room .
23 I told her of the big green seas , all crinkled and slow , heaving up astern as the icy wind scoured their tops into freezing spume .
24 I told her of the storms I had known as a child in America , of the sea lifting the paving stones in Penzance , of the ice storms in New England where each twig , each leaf is coated in ice , and of how , when the sun shines , it is as though the world were crystallised , as though nature were encapsulated in a diamond .
25 It was n't until almost his last breath that he told her of the board beneath his bed and what was under it , assuring her he had saved it for her .
26 He told her of the coming to Ireland of her Norman ancestors , the de la Houssaies , and of their rise to power in Corcaguiney .
27 Only Ember cared enough to come and talk to her ; from what he told her of the others , both the towered and the plain , she was glad .
28 When she told her of the plan to marry the child 's feelings came out .
29 Mrs Redmond called to see Julia one afternoon as she sometimes did now and Julia told her of the conversation about mourning .
30 He had not seen the kings but he told her of the baby who was born to be King in a nearby village called Bethlehem .
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