Example sentences of "[verb] her [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Little Paul spends a short time at Mrs Pipchin 's ( on the recommendation of Miss Tox , a former child-boarder ) , where he is not quelled as the others are , but thoroughly discomfits her with his sharp questions and grave stare .
2 You called your wife a tart , which is your business and hers , but you also said that if you 'd known where she 'd gone you would have caught her at it .
3 He had caught her in his arms , and there had been a soaring delight , an exchange of joy , wordless , mindless , stronger and infinitely sweeter than anything he had ever known .
4 For swiftly , and with such adroitness that Fabia felt he must have done it many times before , in no time , and before she could blink , Lubor had caught her in his arms .
5 My regard for your daughter has in no way diminished ; I still want her for my wife .
6 ‘ Well , actually I think the police want her about her husband 's death first . ’
7 Drunk one day , driving her on his Harley , he slammed into a house that had once belonged to Jack London .
8 When Justine Moritz was in this prison , the world outside had prejudged her before her trial .
9 She watched until dawn , until utter weariness overtook her without her being aware of when she slept .
10 But she was still meditating for hours and waiting for the voice of the flat to inform her of its favoured colour scheme .
11 He decided to inform her of her duties , said casually , watching her as he spoke , ‘ Your day would begin at six o'clock , finish at Miss Mates 's bedtime between half-past ten and eleven , and you will have the attic bedroom .
12 And were she now to inform her of it , Gemma knew that her mother , once the shock had abated and the smelling-bottle put away , would only murmur " My darling , I know you will grow to love him . "
13 I only got to know her a little as a teenager when I visited her on my own in the single-end where she lived in a Parkhead tenement , sleeping , washing and cooking in one room .
14 Style director Hamish Bowles , a lifelong fan , visited her at her magnificent home , Templeton , on Long Island and spent a day talking to and photographing her in some her favourite clothes ( see page 220 ) : ‘ It 's a ravishing and evocative home , C.Z. is a scintillating hostess and brings a contemporary touch to a house that is almost Edwardian in its management and battalions of staff . ’
15 A few years later , when a Japanese professor on holiday in England visited her in our other house in Bath , Hill House in Sion Road , he said to her , in the usual Japanese joky way : ‘ I 'm sure your son will be marrying some nice Japanese lady , Mrs Kirkup . ’
16 He pushed her back against the sofa , covering her body with his , devouring her with his mouth .
17 When he had taken up with Jessica he had recognised her as a wild Ulster girl , and had respected her for it .
18 She felt a cold disgust as physical as nausea and with it there swept over her a weakness which shrivelled her in her chair .
19 He had forgotten her in his efforts to catch up with her twin .
20 The fine mist at the edges of the room seemed to be drifting closer , enveloping her in its clinging tendrils .
21 This time he turned her to face him , enveloping her in his arms .
22 The role enables the researcher to gain the confidence of the group that accepts her in her false role .
23 Yet she had no doubt she was lucky ; he still moved her with his intelligence , his charm , his sensitivity .
24 I do not introduce her to my other friends .
25 Ever since Courtney indecently assaulted her at his Harley Street clinic in October last year , the girl known to the jury as Miss C has been having nightmares about the attack .
26 Before she 'd begun to swing up a knee into his groin he jerked her towards him .
27 Fingers like a vice on her wrist , he jerked her to her feet .
28 His hands jerked her to him again as a group of jugglers pushed past , their clubs digging into her back so that she was forced to catch Lucenzo 's shoulders and lean hard against him , totally at his mercy .
29 He jerked her to him .
30 The scrape of a chair 's being drawn out jerked her from her musings , and she looked up quickly .
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