Example sentences of "[verb] one to the " in BNC.

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1 An instruction adds one to the modifier field of a specified index register , and jumps to a specified address unless the two fields are equal .
2 The consistency in the build quality and feel of these two instruments is such that the only real difference lies in their pickup configurations ; swap one to the other and the EG-1 would become the EG-2 and vice-versa .
3 Ageing phobia , too , often dulls one to the very real prospect of things getting better as time goes on .
4 The girls , looking one to the other , darting hate , hardly three foot tall , arose and walked down to the front of the class .
5 These tales are told with an extraordinary lightness : the frequency of the present or the perfect as narrative tenses ; the adoption of a simple but precise vocabulary ; the sparing use of adjectives ; the composition of short , essential paragraphs added one to the other , not like bricks , in the conventional metaphor of story-building , but more like transparent balloons lifting the story off the ground — with all of these techniques , Celati has created a mode of story-telling which shakes off the weight of narrative in what is a conscious and consistent effort to pare away the superstructure of ideology and ‘ that homogeneous and totalizing continuity that is called history ’ ( Celati 1975 : 14 ; cf.
6 Shall we send one to the people who are going to Scarborough conference ?
7 Will you send one to the widow Benedicta at St Erconwald 's in Southwark ?
8 fully ordered preferences ( for any pair of possible outcomes , the agent prefers one to the other or ranks them equal ; and the sum of these pair-wise rankings is a consistent and complete ordering ) ;
9 A second argument designed to show that neutrality is chimerical claims that whether or not a person acts neutrally depends on the base line relative to which his behaviour is judged , and that there are always different base lines leading to conflicting judgments and no rational grounds to prefer one to the others .
10 There is little reason therefore to prefer one to the others , e.g. : .
11 A quota is established by dividing the total number of valid votes by the number of members to be elected plus one , and rounding up or adding one to the quotient .
12 Internal referent power links one to the internally more powerful ( e.g. chief executive ) ; external referent power links to external ( e.g. ‘ The prime minister has asked for this ’ ) .
13 Should you use one to the exclusion of the others ?
14 That said , there 's absolutely no way I 'd stick one to the side of the Eizo T560i I use every day , purely because of the degaussing circuitry that you mention .
15 In this example we initialize the index register to zero and , on each iteration of the loop , we add one to the value held by the index register before executing the add instruction .
16 It is now obligatory to pay the devil a share of the fees ( usually half ) and the work therefore helps one 's livelihood , as well as providing experience and ( sometimes ) bringing one to the notice of the professional client .
17 It alerts one to the importance of contextual factors such as those relating to the institution 's regulations , resources and ethos .
18 Helen had confessed at lunch that she would sooner have been three behind than three in front — and when news came , after the first 10 holes of the fourth round , that she had fallen one to the rear of the Australian , one had the feeling that she was merely paving the way for a last-minute attack .
19 It takes one to the high , isolated polar desert at the height of the summer season .
20 The one that he 's done so far was at the end of December and erm he is going to do one to the end of March and that 's going to be a regular thing .
21 He returned one to the pile and got a larger one .
22 In other words , the sentence with to asserts drop as a fact and perception is invoked merely as the means which has brought one to the knowledge of this fact : perception took place ; therefore the dropping can be inferred and asserted .
23 Leys refers to them both , but only applies one to the Kenyan situation , that of the creation of state posts to absorb the unemployed surplus population formed by changing relations of production .
24 Team-teaching alongside a knowledgeable and enthusiastic colleague can effectively take one to the next stage .
25 Putting this point on a more theoretical level , the musical field and the class structure at any given moment , though clearly not unconnected , comprise different ‘ maps ’ of social/cultural space , and they can not be reduced one to the other ( see Williams 1981 ) .
26 I 'd like to do that , but you 're just giving one to the Conservatives .
27 When he saw Edwin Chase striding up towards them he made haste to make known one to the other .
28 When he saw Edwin Chase striding up towards them he made haste to make known one to the other .
29 The absence of reverence for wine is what endears one to the Italian approach .
30 He offered one to the boy , and the boy politely refused .
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