Example sentences of "[verb] any [prep] you " in BNC.

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1 Were I to meet any of you at the golf club or the Mayor 's banquet I am sure we could talk as equals over a glass of sherry and a snipe sandwich .
2 ‘ And — ah — I shall be in my study , and delighted to meet any of you , should you care to come along for a chat , ’ said the headmaster , very much as an afterthought , and clearly hoping they would n't .
3 ‘ And now I know who I 'm looking for I do n't need any from you , ’ he responded succinctly and , pushing himself to his feet , disappeared back into the cockpit .
4 ‘ I do n't know any of you , I do n't want to know any of you !
5 ‘ I do n't know any of you , I do n't want to know any of you !
6 But I do n't think he will choose any of you . ’
7 ‘ I mean , I 've hardly met any of you , let alone … , ’
8 And , ’ she tacked on , ‘ it is my profound hope that I shall never see any of you ever again . ’
9 I was going to say have you got any with you ?
10 I was not expecting any of you . ’
11 Cos otherwise if you start doing it now then I might just pick up one person again and again , cos we will check as customers but we want you to take otherwise it gets very very confusing and I do n't wan na miss any of you .
12 That would certainly cost money , and I ca n't see Father spending any on you in that way .
13 ‘ I do n't have any for you , Dad .
14 Now do any have any of you tried aromatherapy ?
15 We would also encourage any of you who may be thinking of starting to go ahead — in many areas the Local Authority will pay the fees for teachers already employed by them .
16 I 'll not take any of you .
17 Erm , I would like to close by saying that erm I just thought it would be just a nice idea that I would invite any of you members of the Council and wives who have n't got anything else to do on Christmas morning , if you fancy popping up to my house for a glass of sherry or whatever , just on a casual basis as a little thank you for what you 've done over the erm over the last twelve months , I extend that invitation to you all and District Councillors if they wish to come and I would like to say , on behalf of the Council , that I hope you all have a , this is the last full meeting , and to everybody here I hope you have a very nice happy peaceful Christmas and I hope we all go into the new year with renewed vigour .
18 ‘ You have been so kind to me and I 'll never forget any of you .
19 And do n't forget any of you who would like to go to Goldthorpe I 'm taking the names
20 They 'd write a poem for her about my greatest fear , I said I remember last year there was a boy called Ali and he wrote a story about a poem about this bird and cos he was really scared of that and so I said I do n't suppose any of you will write about being scared of me except perhaps Adine !
21 ‘ I do n't want any of you others to do anything , even if you do mean it for the best . ’
22 The message is : we want instant gratification , but we do n't think any of you can deliver it .
23 Erm I do recognise some faces , I know some of you recognise me and eh cos we 've done quite a lot of things together , but this afternoon what I 'm going to tell you about is how I fit in with Council , I do n't think any of you know that or know what the Local Government Unit is .
24 ‘ Christ , man , I did n't think any of you guys should have been out there , but I do n't think I could have done what you did , in the Falklands .
25 Savour erm , the problem , why , why , I do n't think any of you grasped the fact that we 're talking there about savour , is that erm , you probably do n't realise that historically , the rose was much eaten .
26 And I defy any of you to think of an amusing sign-off joke involving Nick Cave and badminton .
27 Now then , do any of you happen to have learnt the two-times table already ? ’
28 its the Four Brettan Girls and does it , do any of you know , I 'm sure most of you , some of you have heard that
29 I mean I do n't , I wonder , do , do any of you have a gun ? , let me ask you that
30 right , okay , so its mostly independence and er , does , do any of you hate driving ? , do any of you drive out of necessity but really wish you did n't have to ? , yes
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