Example sentences of "[verb] on two [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Grasping her small suitcase in one hand , Gina followed the sign , drawing up with a soft exclamation of pleasure as she found herself in an oblong courtyard surrounded on two sides by what was obviously her hotel , a tall building of nineteenth-century architecture , its red-tiled roof gabled and decorated with iron curlicues , its many-paned white-framed windows set in mellowed red brick reflecting the pale northern sunshine .
2 Children with special needs have long been welcomed into playgroups or mother and toddler groups but members have tended to worry on two counts — first , that only a minority of families with children with special needs were finding their way to playgroup , and second that the playgroup was not fully able to meet the children 's needs .
3 But the arrangements are becoming a little more fulsome , drum machines ( the innovation of bass players Family Man Barrett ) appear on two tracks , and the band are getting more writing credits .
4 All located on two lane roads when no bike has .
5 The Faculty is located on two campuses — at Belfast , where most of the staff , students and facilities are based , and at Magee College .
6 In this week 's journal Stern and colleagues report on two censuses carried out in 1979 and 1990 of elderly people in residential care in Leicestershire ( p 827 ) .
7 But instead of scooting , the rider stands on two side plates , while a small petrol engine drives the rear wheel .
8 This led the team to concentrate on two aspects .
9 I intend to concentrate on two issues in the Queen 's Speech — the commitment to continue to prepare for the privatisation of the British Railways Board and the commitment to introduce a new council tax and to establish a review of local government structure in England .
10 From the start , the opposition negotiators decided to concentrate on two demands : that wages be indexed to the rise in prices and that increases in food prices be gradual .
11 He was , he says , approached on two occasions by search consultants about public sector work before he entered into discussions with the Prudential in 1987 .
12 Coalition-building was to be approached on two fronts ; the first involved horse-trading , the striking of deals or bargains in order to win support .
13 The drop in production was blamed on two cyclones early in the year and on unfavourable climatic conditions later .
14 The principal carers were to be interviewed on two occasions , firstly at or around the time of the sufferer 's first interview and secondly a year later .
15 A J Trevett and colleagues reported on two patients who developed acute respiratory obstruction from swallowing live fish .
16 No breaks in the cold chain were documented at the central storage facility , although vaccines kept at the study site were discarded on two occasions after power failures that lasted several hours .
17 Bingo is still enjoyed on two Mondays per month with members of the Village Association committee acting as callers .
18 Bingo is still enjoyed on two Mondays per month with members of the Village Association committee acting as callers .
19 You can concentrate on two things for only so long as changing positions to help the photographer and holding the adult shearwater proved .
20 Space limitations mean one can only select a little from what was a varied and highly successful programme , so I will concentrate on two areas .
21 This meant it could concentrate on two core businesses — security printing and heating and bathroom products .
22 The work will focus on two curriculum areas within the new reforms : mathematics ( which has national testing ) and environmental studies ( which does not ) .
23 Fade on two heads , shaking .
24 In 1990 the European parliament voted on two reports calling for action on age discrimination .
25 We continue to differ on two aspects .
26 Afterwards he wrote a book about his experiences , World Understanding on Two Wheels .
27 In the previous section we concentrated on two axes of the search space : time and level of abstraction .
28 It 's a traditional vintage type , with individually adjustable saddles mounted on a plate which pivots on two height adjustable posts .
29 They were scaly creatures , walking on two feet and they were out to conquer the Earth and every living creature on it .
30 Killjoy explains bipedalism — that is , walking on two legs — as a way of life that left the hands free for other things .
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