Example sentences of "[verb] on the long " in BNC.

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1 Particularly significant changes are found for residues located on the long E helix ( Glu 204 and Phe 208 ) .
2 ‘ The bad effects of island driving on the long sentences were not caused by an increase in the number of false alarm seeds .
3 She had begun to pull on the long suede gloves which she had earlier stripped from her beautiful hands .
4 By then we should have completed any changes to the constitution and bye-laws , have decided on the long term future of our examination system and have strengthened our financial position so that we can meet the costs involved .
5 The growth hormone locus has also been mapped on the long arm of chromosome 17 , at 17q 22–24 , close to the BRCA1 gene in breast and ovarian cancer families .
6 ‘ I think it might even be further away than we came on the Long Drive , ’ said Masklin quietly .
7 A superb outing of this kind can be had on the long Nantlle ridge — comprising six miles and six mountains of excellent high-level walking .
8 This way the buyer need not fear a situation in which the supplier will run out of essential stock , and the supplier can plan on the long term to optimise his conditions of supply .
9 The sun shone on the long road to the south .
10 An Astropath on board a barge bound on the long slow haul from Karkason to the dwarf partner star , Karka Secundus , had chanced to eavesdrop on a telepathic message from the mining world to one of those agric planets that Sagramoso had seduced , using pirates paid with power crystals as his emissaries — pirates who had made themselves scarce with their illicit starships when the crusade had come through the Warp to Karka 's Sun .
11 However , horns were generally seen as desirable , especially for harnessing plough oxen , and it was not until the eighteenth century that Scottish farmers began to breed selectively for the polled factor in order to make the cattle of Galloway easier to manage on the long droves to the London markets .
12 Touched by beneficial magics and feeding on the long grasses of the steppe , the steeds of Ellyrion are the swiftest and most noble of four-legged beasts .
13 Once inside the room , the two officers stripped off their black uniform jackets , and sprawled on the long sofa .
14 She did see the yachtsman as she trekked back to start on the long walk home , and she went towards him .
15 However , the press in the other European member states rightly concentrated on the long list of measures that were agreed and signed in the Maastricht treaty .
16 And harness on the long moors .
17 So it looks as though the Government has given the council a cautious go-ahead to draw up a scheme if not to beat the Tay , then to lessen the disastrous effects another flood would have on the long suffering Perthshire population .
18 Ms Nadia Comaneci was still performing on the long bar for Romania , but her gymnastic trainers had already defected to the US .
19 The authors believe the cause of these persistent spells lies in the ability of the short waves to react on the long waves in such a way that , under certain situations , they favour the very pattern that caused them .
20 As the only bridesmaid , she had been following Liz up the aisle of the small country church , nervously clutching her bouquet of trailing greenery and praying that she would n't make the awful mistake of treading on the long train of Liz 's wedding dress .
21 As they left the confines of the city and started on the long straight empty road to Samana , the sun was glowing ruby-red behind the dark wooded hills , the sky translucent delicate silk .
22 This patient was shown as homozygous with the probe Lambda MS32 , assigned on the long arm of chromosome 1 ( 1q43–43 ) , for his normal and primary tumour DNA .
23 Howard sits on the long sofa between them , facing the Rembrandt .
24 I looked past Robin-Anne to where the moon 's path gleamed on the long waves , and then I glanced forward and saw another belt of silver , but this one diffuse and hazy , showing where the first crepuscular light seeped over the world 's grey edge .
25 It had to first of all survive which is why it went on the long march was n't it ?
26 The fact that the BRCA1 gene for breast cancer is flanked on the long arm of chromosome 17 by the THRA1 gene for the thyroid hormone receptor may be important in this respect .
27 She led Midnight to a clear patch and then let him walk on the long rein , so that she stayed still and he walked round her in a circle at the end of the rein .
28 Within the hour Robert set out up-river to the ford by Pool , to carry the news across the river to the castellan at Castell Coch ; and before the morning was out , a rider was despatched on the long ride to Llewelyn 's court at Aber .
29 We waited , sitting on the long benches in the out-patients ' waiting-room , Nigel staring straight ahead in what seemed an almost catatonic trance and ignoring any of my attempts at conversation .
30 Ahead of them was a little church not unlike the many they had passed on the long route-march from Etaples to the front .
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