Example sentences of "[verb] that by the " in BNC.

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1 These facts , coupled with population growth , suggest that by the year 2000 most of the remaining forests will have disappeared and been replaced with subsistence farming with a little surplus income derived from cash crops .
2 But , however innocent his presence at Grandmont may have been , we do know that by the winter of early 1183 Geoffrey was playing a very devious game indeed .
3 ‘ We 'll know that by the new year , ’ John said .
4 Charlie Malone , a shop steward and one of the sacked workers , promised that by the end of the campaign there would be 300 fewer people on the dole .
5 I assaulted this position from every angle , ranging from thoughtful analyses of the male mid-life crisis , its nature and origins , to sweeping ad absurdum dismissals in which I demonstrated that by the same token Trish and Brian were equally culpable , because if they 'd gone out for the day I would have stayed at home and we would never have met in the first place .
6 For the purposes of the present work , it is sufficient to know that by the end of the seventh century a town inhabited mainly by people of Latin culture existed on the site , and that the surrounding countryside was peopled by Slavs .
7 The Crown has claimed that by the time he was arrested in the summer of 1991 his alleged computer forays had breached security surrounding a number of systems including one at EC headquarters , another at a world famous centre for cancer research and treatment and others at various universities .
8 The reasonable interpretation of their experience seems to demand that by the time the chain had reached them the actual result of the observation had become fixed .
9 Suppose now , however , that B , having accepted S 's repudiation in June , sees the market beginning to rise rapidly in July and , in an attempt to minimise his loss before the market rises further , buys replacement goods on July 15 at £115 per ton — ; only to discover that by the delivery date under the original contract ( December 1 ) the market price has fallen back to £110 per ton .
10 Other sources say that by the seventeenth century big , stately , black longhorns were being reared in Yorkshire , Derbyshire , Lancashire and Staffordshire and that by the eighteenth century there was a large , rangy , big-hoofed plough-ox type which could also give acceptable though ordinary meat and the cows could give reasonable milk well suited for cheese-making .
11 It was forecast that by the close of 1991 the revenue from sales worldwide of CD-ROM hardware and software would have amounted to some $3.2 billion of which the title component would be $2.3 billion , a proportion which would steadily increase .
12 The report found that by the end of April this year , ADAS had not agreed a corporate plan with the Ministry of Agriculture covering both the service 's commercial and public good work .
13 ( 1984 ) found that by the end of therapy about half of couples showed significant improvement and approximately one-third of couples appeared to be non-distressed .
14 Robert Gray has analysed marriage patterns in late nineteenth-century Edinburgh and concludes that by the end of the period , patterns of segregated intermarriage as between the families of skilled " and " unskilled " workers were tending to break down .
15 We might think that by the end of this fragment there is once again a single version for both speakers of ‘ what I think we 're talking about ’ .
16 On Oct. 29 the Council of ( Environment and Energy ) Ministers agreed that by the year 2000 the EC as a whole should stabilize emissions of carbon dioxide ( CO2 ) , a key greenhouse gas , at levels no higher than those of 1990 .
17 One non-commissioned officer , writing home , said he presumed that by the time his letter arrived ‘ the bells throughout the whole of Germany would be announcing the victory over the mightiest enemy of civilization .
18 Indeed , it has been calculated that by the end of the decade some 3 billion pages of information will be published by businesses worldwide .
19 On behalf of FoE , three environmental scientists from the University of East Anglia have calculated that by the year 2030 sea levels in the southeast of England will be between 28 and 84 centimetres higher than today .
20 It is usually accepted that such milestones were measured from civitas capitals or cities , suggesting that by the AD 270s Water Newton had achieved this rank and was responsible for the local government of its hinterland .
21 Complaints had been received from local residents that their wash-houses were being abused , and he expected that by the end of his beat at 6 a.m. he would be busy enough .
22 Many , unable or unwilling to see that by the 1890s the emergence of the proletariat had redefined the terms of the class struggle , failed to cut themselves adrift from their bourgeois and petty-bourgeois roots .
23 Keynote speaker Andy Grove , CEO of Intel , announced that by the end of this year , every PC user would have access to software based video compression and decompression .
24 It is a first-hand account by someone who has met and talked with many of the creators of modern quantum theory , and who remarks that by the 1970s ‘ my collection of notes and transcripts of tape recordings of conversations , discussions and interviews had become quite large ’ .
25 He suppressed political perhaps , but Marenches argued that by the standards of the Orient , SAVAK was not that brutal .
26 The Christians believed that by the death of Jesus , the suffering servant of Isaiah , God had formed a new covenant not only with the Jews but with all peoples of the earth .
27 Marx believed that by the mid-nineteenth century workers in England could not easily be exploited any more than they were already : for example , the working day could not be any further extended .
28 Nonetheless , Shandell says that by the end of August the company will have versions ‘ for most versions of Unix ’ , by which he means implementations for Unix System V.4 , and Motorola Inc 's 88open standard plus versions for Santa Cruz Operation Inc , Data General Corp , Siemens Nixdorf Informationssysteme AG and ICL Plc Unixes and IBM 's AIX .
29 An MP says that by the time the technology 's developed , Britain wo n't have a coal industry .
30 AMERICA ‘ Latest estimates show that by the year 2010 , the USA will be a Japanese-owned country speaking Spanish .
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