Example sentences of "[verb] that other [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Data from the New Zealand cot death study show that the prevalence of the prone sleeping position decreased before the campaign in New Zealand and suggest that other publicity , such as that generated by fundraising campaigns , may have had an influence .
2 Surveys suggest that other motorists could do much more to make life easier for disabled drivers .
3 We suggest that other staff should be encouraged to write , but we are aware that this activity lacks an RBGE platform .
4 Other unification schemes suggest that other modes of proton decay should be more common , such as the decay into a muon and two .
5 Secondly , it is only right that your doctor should know , because if there is a significant change in your condition with homoeopathy , he will ascribe it to the wrong treatment if he does not know that other therapies have also been given .
6 However I managed to find Mr Jaggers ' office , noticing that other people were waiting for the great man too .
7 Campbell focuses on girl shoplifters , but it should be stressed that other females who shoplift , perhaps pensioners or single parents , might do so for more basic material needs .
8 Indeed , I was slow to discover that other men had had this experience , for it had been possible to read books and to associate with men on other grounds …
9 He was always surprised to discover that other people did n't feel this way about him .
10 Trout-fishing on the Kennet is now more or less back to normal , but anglers say that other rivers are still affected and anyone else who spoils their fun in future can expect to pay for it .
11 Sources say that other documents and depositions of Barnes trustees reveal much more manoeuvring on Lincoln 's behalf , all of which would be illegal .
12 Diplomatic sources say that other South-east Asian countries which , like Hong Kong , have offered a port of first asylum to the fleeing Vietnamese , are closely watching the mandatory repatriation programme .
13 This figure also illustrates that other interest , in problems which scarcely seem to have presented themselves to sculptors in the rest of Greece : alike in the patterns discoverable in the pull and hang of clothes , and in the relation of clothes to the body beneath .
14 Shortly after Abe 's arrest it was reported that other members of the Miyazawa faction were being questioned in connection with the affair .
15 Yet during interviews with managers involved , I found that other factors were at work .
16 Expecting ongoing punishment for the drugs episode , I forget that other people have different timetables for both acceptance and forgiveness .
17 I had not realised that other sites had been considered , including Merthyr .
18 Do you think that other people consider you boring ?
19 I 'm fed up too but I suppose we should n't grumble , ’ Sarah said and Anne agreed that other people had worse troubles .
20 Since other marriages were without children she presumed that other couples , in their millions , shared their own difficulty .
21 Such a decrease is greater than expected for the loss of a single interaction between CP 96345 and the NK-1R ( for example , 30-fold reduction of CP 96345 affinity in the H197A mutant ) , suggesting that other amino-acid residues may also participate in interactions with the benzhydryl of CP 96345 .
22 However the decrease in ATF1 RNA is not as great as the reduction in protein levels , suggesting that other mechanisms are involved in regulating ATF1 protein levels during differentiation .
23 The communication strings now declare that other devices are accessible from the manager , although the number of parties on the network is limited for reasons of network efficiency .
24 It is one of the privileges of a councillor in a council meeting to see that other members obey standing orders .
25 It always amazed her to see that other people could live so comfortably upon such barren territory .
26 If we examine what it is one participant is ready to see that other participants might read into a situation and what it is that will cause him to provide ritual remedies , followed by relief for these efforts , we find ourselves looking at the central moral traditions of Western culture .
27 However , they would like to confirm that other guitarists are being considered to replace him .
28 She also made it clear that Conductive Education is not the only method , and admitted that other methods are used with success .
29 However , it is recognized that other tasks may well tap other aspects of plural reference .
30 You do not feel inhibited because you have n't prepared adequately or fear that other people might catch you out or ridicule you .
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