Example sentences of "[verb] that any [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The beans have now reached the top of their 6ft canes and I 'm praying that any autumn gales will be delayed until the beans are all safely harvested .
2 The day after Myeni 's warning , Buthelezi distanced himself from it in a statement denying that any decision had been taken to deploy fighters .
3 He believed that the government had lost credibility , first by denying that any recession ever existed , then by claiming it was only minor , then by claiming that though perhaps it was severe the recovery was just around the corner .
4 He responded by denying that any concessions had been made .
5 This is a picture of policing which some constables in hard-line areas dispute as typical of Northern Ireland , with one policeman m West Belfast denying that any routine policing occurs in Northern Ireland , arguing that no area could be considered ‘ soft ’ because policemen and women are at risk everywhere ( FN 29/4/87 , p. 6 ) .
6 The men , one of whom was named as Ernest Joma , were quickly arrested , however , and two hours later the then Information , Ideological Guidance and Co-operative Development Minister , Simon Pierre , broadcast a message denying that any coup had taken place and calling for calm .
7 On the basis of these figures , the authors suggest that any test score can be regarded as falling within seven points of the true score for the short form , and within five points of the true score for the long form of the test .
8 These results suggest that any sleep is enough to prevent the failures of attention which worsen performance on the tasks which are most sensitive to the effects of loss of sleep .
9 Presented at a recent meeting of the British Psychological Society in York , they suggest that any link between slightly raised lead levels and impaired intelligence is rendered insignificant by other social factors .
10 The authors suggest that any child who achieves a score of less than 85 should be regarded as in need of further assessment and , possibly , structured intervention .
11 How strong this support will prove to be in the last analysis remains to be seen , but Labour 's treatment of Mr Gould and its refusal to back calls for a referendum on the Treaty suggest that any hopes of altering the movement towards European Federalism remain with the Conservative Party .
12 But the latest revelations suggest that any number of culprits could be responsible for the Royal bugging , ranging from the security services , journalists and even members of the royal family .
13 But the latest revelations suggest that any number of culprits could be responsible for the Royal bugging , ranging from the security services , journalists and even members of the royal family .
14 He adds that any killing of animals should be painless , and their use in experiments restricted as far as possible to ‘ the less highly organised ’ creatures .
15 At a round of talks in Madrid on June 22-23 the US side proposed that any country should have the right to resume mining if the signatory nations could not reach agreement within three years .
16 Now of course from the special school point of view they will say well many efforts are made to attempt to bring community life into the school and to have children erm or give them experiences in the community , so that you provide both a sheltered environment and also the opportunity to learn in the wider community , and this debate is something of a dilemma erm I do n't know that any body can give a definite answer to it .
17 The hon. Gentleman will know that any project in excess of £1 million must come to me for a decision .
18 They agreed that John should let Margaret know that any intervention by her in the debate on immigration would be considered ‘ unhelpful ’ , and should extend an invitation for her to sit on the platform on the Friday afternoon for the Leader 's speech , sitting as far away from Ted Heath as it was humanly possible .
19 Thermal underwear may be a multi-million pound industry , but did you know that any article of clothing can be called thermal ?
20 Did you know that any number doubled is even ?
21 How far this was true I do not know , but I do know that any suggestion from her to Harold Wilson was likely to receive an affirmative answer .
22 well in that case you do n't , you 're not gon na need that any way cos its not gon na be in it , is it ? , you should of left it in the magazine Geoff .
23 However , we have also stressed that any decline in reading standards in the inner city must be set firmly within the context of the political and economic circumstances which lead to poverty and social dislocation .
24 Standing Orders of the House thus provide that any Member ( although it will usually be a Member of the government ) may at any time in any debate move ‘ that the question now be put ’ .
25 The Supreme Court Funds ( Amendment ) Rules 1983 provide that any payment into court under Ord 22 , r1 which is not accepted within 21 days will then be placed on deposit automatically and earn interest on a daily basis for each complete pound .
26 He promised that any job losses would be kept to a minimum .
27 The display territory must be at least as large as the floor area of your tank — and so yours undoubtedly supposes that any female who visits him is ready to spawn .
28 Simple denial — refusal to accept that any staff have problems with alcohol or drugs or other forms of addictive disease .
29 As we have seen , it is hard to draw the line between a conscious human being and a conscious machine likewise , we have to accept that any entity possessed of consciousness is in reality a living organism — whatever its physical characteristics .
30 The topic of interpersonal distance has a copious literature in its own right ( see Argyle and Cook , 1976 ) and it is to be expected that any effects due to hemispheric asymmetry will interact with social and personality factors in different ways under different circumstances .
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