Example sentences of "[verb] that [n mass] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 FINALLY : Those who feel there is too much cricket would have winced at the suggestion made by the Australian authorities , who proposed that series against England be expanded from five Tests to seven to assist the finances of their domestic game .
2 She said : ‘ There are already support groups in Barnard Castle and Shildon and I feel people should know that people of Richmondshire are able to benefit from the Darlington hospice . ’
3 I do not doubt that people in an earlier age may well have thought in terms of the kind of cosmic world picture in terms of which she herself thinks .
4 Studies of a group of patients after radiotherapy demonstrated that 50% of cells with dicentric lesions disappeared from the periphery in a little less than 3 years ( the lymphocyte half-life ) .
5 I asked , ‘ How much did it mean to you to know that people at home were working for your release ? ’
6 There were no significant differences in the present study between the never and the previously married although it might be expected that people with children might be less likely to go into a home than those without any and the widowed , divorced , or separated are much more likely to have children than the single : 75 per cent compared with 6 per cent .
7 By the end of the 1980s , it was confidently expected that people in the Soviet Union would enjoy a super-abundance of goods and the leisure time to appreciate them .
8 Forecasts were reduced and by the year 2000 it was expected that 45pc of homes 9.5 million were likely to have a dish or cable TV — 800,000 fewer than first predicted .
9 On the contrary , it is to be expected that sales to and purchases from customers will leave individual market makers holding more or less of particular stocks than they would choose .
10 In addition , it is claimed that people of different socioeconomic groups make different demands on the health service at similar levels of sickness or ‘ objective ’ need and that the cost of meeting these needs may also vary .
11 It is sometimes claimed that people in many cultures are aware of the ill-effects of inbreeding ( Lindzey , 1967 ) , but nobody , as far as I know , has claimed that such knowledge is universal .
12 They say that works of art have differing values all of their own .
13 Guidelines from the Department of Health say that 85% of the social security element of the funding transfer should be spent on residential care for elderly people with a further 5% on their day care .
14 They families say that people with severe learning difficulties do not adapt well to sudden changes of environment .
15 In his thriving shop he expected only specialist collectors to be interested but he is surprised and delighted to find that 95% of the customers buy on aesthetic appeal .
16 By our definition these children had recovered , but their parents still reported that 5% of recovered children had stool withholding , 9% had abdominal pain , and 24% occasionally passed large stools .
17 MORI found that 61% of viewers feel that the campus featured in the programme is attractive .
18 The survey also found that 59% of those using ADAS 's public good advice had received it while dealing with grant applications .
19 Crompton and Jones found that 82% of female white-collar workers in their sample were on clerical grades , compared to 30% of men .
20 The 1988 General Household Survey found that 29% of women and 36% of men divorced during the period 1981–84 had remarried within 2 years of divorce .
21 However , in a previous report , using morphological , macroscopic and ultrastructural criteria , and immunological markers , we found that 46% of the patients with low grade malignancy had areas with a population of large cells reflecting the presence of a high grade malignant component .
22 Furthermore , in 58 patients rendered stone free with extra corporeal shock wave lithotripsy and adjuvant bile acids , Sackmann et al found that 100% of their patients with recurrent stones had symptoms .
23 ( Gamgee himself found that 42% of 2,664 horses in this country were lame , but only 9% of 286 horses in Paris . )
24 The National Opinion Poll ( NOP ) found that 32% of women were using the pill , compared with 25% in a similar poll taken in 1987 .
25 The 1987 General Household Survey found that 22% of people aged 60–69 , and 13% of those of 70 or older , were participating in voluntary work .
26 The National Fertility Survey of 1978 found that 34% of all women of child-bearing age practised some form of contraception ( 56% in the metropolitan area , 42% in urban areas and 26% in rural areas ) .
27 A study in one polytechnic found that 11% of the bookstock was in circulation , while in another two samples taken from law and the humanities revealed that three issues per volume was the average use per annum , and that two-thirds of the items were loaned in a two-year period .
28 In 1982 , at ASH 's instigation , the government commissioned the first national survey of smoking among children and found that 11% of 11–16 year olds were smoking regularly [ 4 ] .
29 In 1982 , the government 's first national survey of children 's smoking found that 11% of both boys and girls aged 11–16 smoked regularly .
30 The 1986 English House Condition Survey found that 62% of dwellings lacking one or more basic facilities were occupied by people aged 60 and over .
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