Example sentences of "[verb] that [det] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Kelly was 12 months old when her mother first began to worry that all was not well .
2 There is no denying that this is a severe problem .
3 But there 's no denying that this is an important event — or , to be more exact , an important set of nine events .
4 It is generally supposed that this is because he is on his death-bed , and his gift of making conversation has already ebbed away .
5 Generally , however , it is supposed that this was not possible .
6 Meantime , there was a lot happening just down the street to capture his attention , as troop after troop of soldiers passed through Frome on their way somewhere else : 300 of the Staffordshire Militia came in April of 1799 , replaced by an equal number of the same later in the month ; then the 300-strong Somerset Supplementary Militia arrived from Wells , complete with their own band , followed by the glorious Fifteenth Light Dragoons — ‘ It is supposed that these are the finest men and horses of any regiment in England ’ ; and the next year no fewer than nine hundred men of the Seventeenth Regiment of Light Dragoons came at one go .
7 But as well as indicating strong loyalist sympathies in the town , he had to inform that these were evidently not shared by Bruce 's own nephew , the new Earl of Carrick , Edward Bruce 's second son , who was lord there now and had handed over the castle , with his allegiance , to the usurper .
8 In addition the similarities in their decorative and illustrational work suggest that each was stimulated by the other 's ideas .
9 These two singles suggest that all is not lost , however .
10 When the Opposition call for an independent consumer ombudsman , I suggest that that is exactly what they have under the present arrangements .
11 Er so we are all very keen to see this get these extra fire fighters but as he has n't identified the source for which they could pay more , this believes that fifty thousand pounds which slices , there is a good way of doing it and suggest that that 's the way we should do it .
12 However , the disruptions in chronology and the mixture of writings suggest that this is far from being a reactionary return to a more traditional form ; indeed , these two works are grouped under the title Romanesques , further contravening the reader 's conventional expectations of an autobiography as a revelation of some truth .
13 Nevertheless , an increasing number of schools now see withdrawal as only one of a widening range of options , only to be used where the child 's individually assessed needs suggest that this is indeed the most appropriate form of provision .
14 Taylor and Ford ( 1983 : 183 ) note that ‘ the distinction between the ’ young ’ and the ‘ old ’ elderly is now commonplace' and suggest that this is manifested in , among other factors , the greater likelihood that the old elderly live in poor housing and that they have incomes below or near the supplementary-benefit rate .
15 Popular images of parent-child relationships put them in a special category , distinct from other kin relationships , and suggest that this is where we will find the strongest feelings of duty and obligation .
16 The accumulation of further data since the original reports and the analysis in table VII suggest that this is not the correct explanation .
17 However , many of the examples of literate societies that are available for study suggest that this is not the case : in fact these societies continue to practice what Goody has defined as ‘ oral ’ modes of communication , with all its limitations .
18 We suggest that this is so because the vivid events are hallucinatory bursts whose content is unconstrained by the previous visual events , the ongoing emotion , or the ongoing integration ; whereas the less vivid events are visual material generated by the cognitive integration , and as such , are constrained in content .
19 However , other data presented here suggest that this is not an adequate explanation .
20 Other authorities cited to us strongly suggest that this is not a good plea unless the earlier case was carried to a conclusion .
21 We suggest that this is further evidence that cardiovascular disease originates through programming in fetal life and infancy .
22 We suggest that this is misleading as different workers have used different sizes of the aorta to define an aneurysm .
23 Comparison of objective tumour response rate and median survival time in our chemotherapy group in phase II and III studies with conventional 5-fluorouracil and leucovorin regimens suggest that this is not the case .
24 The ground flora , and to some extent the coppice and standard trees remaining , suggest that this is an area of ancient woodland .
25 The way in which some modern political leaders exploit envy for their own purposes , and the way it is built into some party programmes , positively suggest that this is a powerful current of feeling which can be readily and effectively exploited .
26 These experiments suggest that this is unlikely in the rat .
27 I tentatively suggest that this is , in some measure , the world of the medieval and early Renaissance singer of polyphony , and the implications of this resemblance , whatever they may be , deserve a reflective study to themselves .
28 has been considerable , Chairman my one concern which has in fact shared by Mrs as Mr referred in , in his letter is erm how long is this experiment should run for erm how long five point seven the first of three months , although the wording is n't , it is in fact half the recommendation , I would want to er agree with Mrs suggest that this be six months , erm because three months particularly in the winter months ca n't , ca n't really be considered a very thorough experimental period .
29 They suggest that this was because virtually no oil tankers frequented the northern Gulf during the seven months between the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait and the end of the war , when Iraqi and Kuwaiti oil production was subjected to a worldwide embargo .
30 Indeed , similarities in their formulae suggest that both were drawn up at Fécamp in 1033 .
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