Example sentences of "[verb] that [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In any case , wings which could have lifted that huge body would have been far too cumbersome when diving .
2 It transpired that each woman had packed up her own cake to bring to the fête .
3 The beans have now reached the top of their 6ft canes and I 'm praying that any autumn gales will be delayed until the beans are all safely harvested .
4 She found herself praying that this batch would be more to his liking than the last .
5 Everyone is praying that this time it will be third time lucky .
6 And the Sharlott family is praying that this time he leaves the crosses alone .
7 There is no denying that hierarchical structure has been the source of a great deal of trouble and inefficiency .
8 Moore is not denying that such elucidation is sometimes needed and possible , but bringing home to us that this is never what is going on when all things with a certain complex property are said to be good .
9 The day after Myeni 's warning , Buthelezi distanced himself from it in a statement denying that any decision had been taken to deploy fighters .
10 He believed that the government had lost credibility , first by denying that any recession ever existed , then by claiming it was only minor , then by claiming that though perhaps it was severe the recovery was just around the corner .
11 This is a picture of policing which some constables in hard-line areas dispute as typical of Northern Ireland , with one policeman m West Belfast denying that any routine policing occurs in Northern Ireland , arguing that no area could be considered ‘ soft ’ because policemen and women are at risk everywhere ( FN 29/4/87 , p. 6 ) .
12 The men , one of whom was named as Ernest Joma , were quickly arrested , however , and two hours later the then Information , Ideological Guidance and Co-operative Development Minister , Simon Pierre , broadcast a message denying that any coup had taken place and calling for calm .
13 A press statement was issued by Ron Gilbert on behalf of the council , emphatically denying that medical evidence of alleged child abuse had been ‘ leaked ’ to a Sunday newspaper .
14 Austin took the equally heroic step of denying that constitutional law and international law were law properly so called .
15 The chairman who ventured that mild criticism was well-placed to do so .
16 It would not have mattered so much if the experiments described all held water , but when ( as we were encouraged to do ) I put up my hand and ventured that one experiment was not consistent , the lecturer acknowledged that this was so in the particular I questioned , but said that the results were usually found to be as would have been expected .
17 A US military spokesperson has also disclosed that toxic waste from bases in Italy , Spain and Germany is likely to be shipped to Britain by UK waste-disposal companies which are sub-contracted by foreign firms hired by US bases .
18 Nevertheless his choreographic plan is so designed that each movement of every dancer , whether as an individual or part of the group , is co-ordinated with the others so that it fits correctly into the overall pattern and within the space allotted by stage , wings and backcloth which — in Symphonic Variations — delicately echoes the curving lines or the dance .
19 Given the terms of reference , those who signed the majority Report might well have supposed that that part of the argument had been decided .
20 It can not be supposed that this regulation meant that , in each case , the minister in person should direct his mind to the matter .
21 To be plain , I 'm a bit exhausted , secretly , about the intellectual advantages that are supposed ( by intellectuals ) to accrue from being physically underendowed or peculiar-looking , though it 's possible to keep up the front in public and many a gulled beloved has supposed that this joke of a frame is where my energy comes from .
22 This has supposed that feminist effort should be devoted , first , to showing how the ‘ images ’ in question oppress or denigrate women , and second , to offering positive images of women to replace these .
23 Other awards were also won that same year , the most significant being a Design Council Award presented by the Duke of Edinburgh .
24 Bohncke proposes from detailed pollen analyses of several pollen profiles that human clearance of these pockets began as early as 7600 , 5000 , and 4200 B.P ..
25 Taken together the results of the Hausman and Salkever tests suggest that predictive failure is likely to reflect mis-specification and , in particular , the presence of unrecognized simultaneity .
26 With this in mind , when considering situations where there are questions about very long term service lives , I suggest that current construction methods should not make it too difficult to incorporate any presently unthought of developments that might materialise in the future — be this in 20 or even 100 years time !
27 Here we describe geochemical and microbiological studies which suggest that contemporary formation of siderite concretions in a salt-marsh sediment results from the activity of sulphate-reducing bacteria .
28 They further suggest that regional planning would limit any unconstrained growth arising from operating what is essentially a reimbursement system .
29 However , despite contact with patients between one and three times per week , the unmet needs in groups C and D suggest that certain community nurses either may not be carrying out the assessment tasks effectively or may not be reassessing clients adequately .
30 More recent reports suggest that acute indomethacin induced gastric mucosal injury in rats is accompanied by neutrophil adherence of mesenteric microvascular endothelium and that the severity of gastric injury can be greatly reduced by prior neutrophil depletion with neutrophil antibodies .
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