Example sentences of "[verb] you come [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ How d' you come to be here today ? ’
2 What d' you come to ?
3 ‘ No , you do n't understand , ’ she said irritably , ‘ I want you to come with me in my two seater kayak . ’
4 I want you to come with me .
5 " I want you to come with me . "
6 ‘ I want you to come with me to my castle . ’
7 ‘ I want you to come with me to Mr Sunil 's house and let me show you what I think happened to Billy Tuckett . ’
8 I want you to come into the market .
9 Unlike most tour operators , who are happy for you to go to any one of several countries , we are thoroughly biased — we want you to come to our OWN country .
10 ‘ But I want you to come to my party , pumpkin .
11 I want you to come to Pepe 's with me . ’
12 Want you to come in lower down the batting order . ’
13 He says you come in Saturday .
14 ‘ Face it , if I were to kiss you now I would feel you come to life under my fingers .
15 He surveyed the scene of human chaos and the mud patch that used to be the floor , raised his voice above the high-pitched din and yelled ‘ Who told you to come in here , you silly children ?
16 " Who told you to come after me ? " he asked .
17 Rewording is a worthwhile exercise because it forces you to come to terms with language .
18 ‘ I have me pride , James Halden , and I 'm ashamed I ever let you come near me . ’
19 ‘ What made you come to Koraloona ? ’
20 ‘ What was it that made you come after me ? ’ she asked , curious to learn the truth .
21 ‘ I just thought that an hour or so on your own would make you come to your senses .
22 You see , I do n't want you to come on the … well , shall we say ’ — her smile widened — ‘ on false pretences .
23 ‘ That is precisely why I did n't want you to come to the hospital .
24 Importantly , they may in fact be helping you come to terms with the traumatic experience .
25 Instead she fiddled with a paper napkin , and when he did n't say anything she said , ‘ I never expected you to come over here . ’
26 I expected you to come after me , I prayed you would so that I would know for sure that you really wanted me , but you did n't .
27 I asked you to come to London with me , did n't I ? ’
28 I would like you to come to London to work for me . ’
29 I would like you to come to the Incident Room on the Wharf later today . ’
30 Said John , well , we 've got other ideas we 'd like you to come to us for Christmas , so I thought , as I said to Brenda , you do n't turn down an invitation from your own children
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