Example sentences of "[verb] for [prep] this " in BNC.

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1 Many unpredictable issues may emerge which are difficult to plan for at this stage .
2 If the interpretation of democracy argued for in this book is correct , or at least is found persuasive by its readers , then it should be clear that its principal practical implication is that democracy is still " unfinished business " on the agenda of modern politics .
3 I have given only a very rough and general indication of how the model of teacher mediation I have presented and argued for in this chapter might itself be made operational .
4 The alternative to Regan 's typically liberationist view of animals , which I have argued for in this book and summed up in the concluding section of Chapter 6 , is that animals are primitive creatures .
5 Becoming educated in the way being argued for in this book requires a willingness and an ability to participate in a discussion oriented towards truth .
6 If the idea of higher education being argued for in this book can be summed up in one word , that is it .
7 The Labour Party has much to answer for from this perspective .
8 The trade unions have been largely silent and it was felt that the media had a lot to answer for in this department .
9 Volume numbers of Unix-based PC 's are n't there yet and Motif ca n't give us the cash returns we 're looking for with this product ’ .
10 Erm wh what they 're looking for in this answer is erm Because it 's the angle in the semicircle angle B is ninety degrees .
11 An apparently ( to ordinary human consciousness ) miraculous theory is exactly the kind of theory we should be looking for in this particular matter of the origin of life .
12 Shots of the product in use or in an unusual setting are the type to aim for in this area .
13 In practice , the AIB inspectors know exactly what to look for in this highly technological activity while the coroner 's officer , who is usually a policeman — a PC or sergeant or occasionally an inspector — is totally in the dark .
14 Three fundamental changes are called for in this regard .
15 The relation between an obligation concretized in the form of presence on a list and the realization of the action called for by this presence is obviously one of subsequence , whence the use of the to infinitive .
16 ( To appreciate the reorientation that was called for after this period , see Latourelle , 1968 , pp. 207–309 ; on Tradition , see Congar , 1966 , especially pp. 196–221 ; on the trials of biblical scholars , see Levie , 1961 . )
17 And that was all d'Alembord prayed for at this moment , that Ford would learn success fast and thus calm his worried fears .
18 ‘ Harry , what does my father hope for from this marriage of his ? ’
19 All she wanted was not to know again , so that she could stay a little child and never have to grow up and face the world without her mother to wake her in the mornings and teach her things and tell her stories and pass on all her wisdom about the world and men and how babies came and why the best any woman could hope for in this life was to be able to make one man happy .
20 The budget figure is what 's been agreed with and it 's a straightforward month by month , seasonally adjusted erm budget which comes to the end result figure that we 're aiming for for this year .
21 You get what you pay for in this world .
22 the document was actually delivered to the defendant or to his residence by another method provided for by this Convention ,
23 ‘ If , in any case not expressly provided for by this Act , a liability to any duty , or any authority or power , not incident to the administration of justice in any court , whose jurisdiction is transferred by this Act to the High Court of Justice , shall have been imposed or conferred by any statute , law , or custom upon the judges or any judge of any of such courts , save as hereinafter mentioned , every judge of the said High Court shall be capable of performing and exercising , and shall be liable to perform and empowered to exercise every such duty , authority , and power , in the same manner as if this Act had not passed , and as if he had been duly appointed the successor of a judge liable to such duty , or possessing such authority or power , before the passing of this Act . …
24 On occasions consequential loss or liability cover can be provided and therefore we qualify exclusion by saying ‘ not specifically provided for by this Policy ’ .
25 Members of the royal family were provided for in this way .
26 Transfer the Program , or any copy , modification , or merged portion , in whole or in part , except as expressly provided for in this license .
27 14.1 The Proprietor will offer any sequel works as referred to in Schedule I to the Publisher on terms and conditions no less advantageous to the Publisher than those provided for in this Agreement .
28 By virtue of Article iv Rule 5(E) of the Hague-Visby Rules : ‘ Neither the carrier nor the ship shall be entitled to the benefit of the limitation of liability provided for in this paragraph if it is proved that the damage resulted from an act or omission of the carrier done with intent to cause damage or recklessly and with knowledge that damage would probably result . ’
29 the document was transmitted by one of the methods provided for in this Convention ,
30 No District Court accepted the exclusivity argument , many relying on a superficial reading of Article 27(c) of the Convention , which allows Contracting States to permit ‘ by internal law or practice , methods of taking evidence other than those provided for in this Convention ’ ; the better view is that this freedom is given only to the requested country and does not refer to the country from which the discovery request originates .
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