Example sentences of "[verb] it [adj] at " in BNC.

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1 Having discovered which it is , say it up-to-time at normal speed .
2 So we put a , as a rider on , that it had already passed the rider it says there , but we found it unacceptable at P A G.
3 Like Sarah he found it strange at first having to change roles from competitor to coach .
4 I found it unbelievable at that time that boys would genuinely want to ask me out and found me attractive .
5 All through the African campaign I longed to hear from you , and found it hard at times to keep a stiff upper lip without your help .
6 We found it hard at times , but my players showed character and that was what earned them both points . ’
7 She says , ‘ I found it difficult at first having to relinquish the coaching responsibilities , but it was great working with Rob .
8 Celia hoped they were still loyal enough to be decently enthusiastic , even if they found it difficult at first to appreciate the new subtlety of Yorick 's music .
9 As a mature student I found it difficult at first to work on my own or in groups but now that the course is settling down , I feel that I will be able to tackle most tasks in business because we have had to learn to look for information and assimilate it so that we make it work for us .
10 Sitting cross legged place a towel behind your neck and hold it taut at each end .
11 He had made it clear at Beechwood that he believed the paper had to be pop , pop , pop if it was going to sell a million .
12 However , Ada had made it clear at the first round of talks that the commission had no power to negotiate changes , which had to be approved by referendum .
13 Once I know how fast my ‘ feeder is emptying , or have made it empty at the pace I require , I cast very frequently for the first twenty minutes or so — as fast as the emptying of the ‘ feeder will allow — and then slow down only just enough to keep a steady trickle of feed through the swim .
14 ‘ He has n't got it right at all .
15 If a local merchant then buys wine and decants it into re-sealable quarter-litre bottles , selling it retail at $1.00 per bottle , two effects might be observed .
16 The Gardeners ' Manual has been designed to pull out and collect , so you can always keep it close at hand with your other gardening reference books .
17 The Gardeners ' Manual has bee designed to pull out and collect , so you can always keep it close at hand with your other gardening reference books .
18 New friendship does not come easy to me , I feel compelled to play it rough at first — your idealism , for example , I had to find out whether it was capable of standing up ; testing and teasing , for me , are a kind of initiation —
19 Mr Major is only one of a majority of politicians who like it hot at the Kundan .
20 Tolonen gave a short laugh then glanced briefly at the Captain , before taking the clipboard back from his daughter and holding it open at the place she indicated .
21 He folded it open at a page of stocks and shares , and as he was looking down the lists he gave the man two dollars .
22 Kinnock was saying to erm the candidates , you know , we re I realize that a lot of you are getting it rough at the moment , cos there 's about five Labour
23 ‘ Then one day she found that she was going to have another baby ; she was so wretched that she tried to keep it secret at first .
24 Now let's keep the force the same , say we 've got a Mini engine providing us , just running it steady at three thousand R P M. Pushing out the same amount of force , keep the force the same , this time we put a smaller mass , we 've got a Mini engine and you 've put it on your pushbike .
25 In part two : Reaching new heights … mountain bikers find it tough at the top .
26 You ca n't just leave it open at the end .
27 I thought it odd at the time that he should feel so at home there . ’
28 My Lords , erm the , the th the most I think perhaps er th th th the Noble Lord , Lor Lord erm referred to my amendments and particularly to Amendment twenty-one which I share with I share certainly share this view with him that that is probably the most important of the ones which is which er I am concerned and to which I put my name and also I do n't think it necessary at this stage to add to my remarks , but I do believe that the that the overwhelming need here is to strengthen the representation of elected erm members on police authorities and to er walk er to tear away from the trend as I see it which is in which is erm the er my Right Honourable Friend , the Home Secretary has written into this Bill of increasing the power of the central Government .
29 You should , though , make it clear at all times that you object to the way that you have been treated .
30 I should make it clear at the outset that I act as a parliamentary consultant to the Professional Association of Teachers and that much of what I shall say tonight will be based on the practical experience of PAT members .
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