Example sentences of "[verb] it [prep] many " in BNC.

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1 John described it to many interviewers as if the free lessons were a concession in return for taking part in performances , but it would be more realistic to regard the performances by the University of Cape Town Ballet as a valuable part of his ballet education .
2 Those patients with a good postoperative result ‘ maintained it for many years , gained occupationally and vocationally , were pleased with the results of the operation , and were willing to recommend it to others ’ .
3 But , as a risk to safety taken recklessly , the offence deserves a penalty which places it above many intentional offences against property .
4 Tsetse flies find the breath of cows equally enticing and can smell it from many kilometres away .
5 When the ILP had been a founding organization of the Labour Representation Committee in 1900 , its opposition to the " Liberal-Labour " position separated it from many trade-union officials and earned their Suspicion .
6 Over the years , he has used it for many successful d-i-y projects .
7 Then I could keep it for many months .
8 Its small size and durable design allows you to use it in many convenient locations .
9 One peculiar characteristic of the British Parliament that distinguishes it from many legislatures in other countries , and particularly from the United States Congress , is the slight use made of specialized committees .
10 Have you been doing it for many years ?
11 While a splendid Gris , the 1912 gouache-pastel-charcoal ‘ Nature morte avec bouteille et cigares ’ ( est. $300,000–400,000 ) inexplicably sold under-estimate for $280,000 ( £155,600 ) the work 's severity may not have endeared it to many people the biggest surprise was the prices paid for the Legers , which came from all points of the artist 's career .
12 However she did not work in isolation of the sales figures and shop reports , which she read avidly and , as she wrote to Moira : ‘ I feel that we hit it in many respects but we do n't seem to repeat the exciting things fast though . ’
13 By taking advantage of this facility , we can draw one pattern in a basic design option ( such as Fair Isle as we have done ) and then use it for many different types of knitting .
14 The nature of stress is simple enough — practically everyone would agree that the first syllable of words like ‘ father ’ , ‘ open ’ , ‘ camera ’ is stressed , that the middle syllable is stressed in ‘ potato ’ , ‘ apartment ’ , ‘ relation ’ and that the final syllable is stressed in ‘ about ’ , ‘ receive ’ , ‘ perhaps ’ , and most people feel they have some sort of idea of what the difference is between stressed and unstressed syllables , though they might explain it in many different ways .
15 And this is a way for to fill up our purse Although we do get it with many a curse And the poem ends : Then hay for the Clothing Trade , it goes on brave ; We scorn for to toyl and moyl , nor yet to starve .
16 Lowes did in fact trace many of the images unerringly to their source ; and what was even more interesting was how Coleridge 's mind took the raw material of some explorer , and twisted it and mixed it with many other ideas to produce the incomparable poetry of The Ancient Mariner and Xanadu .
17 After the war , Bank use of the hotel began to diminish and in May 1949 it was sold to a member of staff who ran it for many years on his own account .
18 Knowing what was coming , recognising it from many such moments in the past , she turned to go .
19 He does it in many different ways .
20 The examiner is not looking for technical perfection and certainly would not find it in many candidates ' answers to this question .
21 It would be interesting to know , however , whether the intensity of the debate at the time served to sear the official mind and closed it for many years afterwards to consideration of an alternative policy for sterling which substantially reduced its international role .
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