Example sentences of "[verb] it [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Standing on opposite sides of the pile , Mina and Kāli beat it with wooden spades , softening the clay and mixing in the cow-dung .
2 Mr Budgen said : ‘ The Government 's actions have been disgraceful , describing Maastricht as an issue of confidence in private and denying it in public .
3 Wages were only pulled up slowly , implying weak pressure to scrap old plant and replace it with new .
4 The backfill in the quarry was varied , comprising areas of clay , weathered shale and domestic refuse and it was necessary to remove all of this material and replace it with suitable granular material .
5 Will my hon. Friend emphasise that Labour 's only policy on air pollution is to abolish nuclear power and replace it with coal-fired power — the net consequence of which could be only a massive increase in global warming ?
6 The embalmer helped them replace the planks , and then fussed about whether to sweep up and re-use the original natron , or replace it with fresh salt .
7 A tower wagon was waiting at the Lower Church Street corner to remove the junction in the overhead wires as soon as the last trolleybus had passed and replace it with plain wires leading only in the Mitcham direction .
8 There are frequent references to it in Anglo-Saxon writings , and the Greeks and Romans made much use of it ; the Greek army doctor Dioscorides listed it amongst medical herbs , and Pliny also describes it .
9 As his own name shrivelled in the heat , he dropped the envelope into the ashtray and watched it burn to a husk , then prodded it into tiny fragments with the extinguished match .
10 Senior expects Delta 's haemoglobin to cost around 50 pence per gram , ten times less than the cost of purifying it from red blood cells , the main existing source .
11 Note that , following completion of the buy-out , both Newco and Target 's accounting periods must also correspond , especially if group relief is being relied upon to fund Newco 's liability to meet interest payments to its investors and provide it with tax-efficient servicing of interest on its debt .
12 Not only does the battered town seem to have been on the receiving end of a good deal of good , honest , no-nonsense coppering , but it gives the impression that a higher authority , God , must have passed over it in the Fifties , blasting it at close range with His celestial hair-drier , to judge from the universally blistered and leprous paintwork on all the buildings .
13 If you are sent incomprehensible bumf , find someone locally who can translate it into readable English . )
14 ‘ You can translate it in various ways .
15 Pyatt has outstanding hand speed and he demonstrated it to full effect against an opponent who was clearly out of his depth .
16 An objection which has been raised by Jürgen Moltmann ( see chapter 7 ) and by others who have been concerned to set our present time in the light of the eschatological emphasis of the New Testament is that Barth and his allies in the 1920s who aimed to recover that emphasis in fact misinterpreted it by twisting it into the ‘ eternal moment ’ of the encounter between time and eternity , ; and that his mature theology distorted it in a-different but equally damaging fashion by swallowing up the whole of time and history in the central history of Jesus Christ , and by dissolving that away in turn in the eternal self-determination of God within the council of the Trinity to be ‘ God for man ’ .
17 Such indemnities , transferring liabilities incurred to third parties , will be particularly useful in cases where a contracting party may incur liability to a person not party to the contract , which therefore can not be excluded by contract : for instance , a manufacturer might require a distributor or retailer to indemnify it against tortious product liability claims by consumers injured by the product .
18 The non-smokers dislike the perpetual and pungent cloud , but have grown to accept it without serious complaint — it 's the least of their worries .
19 then I have embellished it with red and blue gemstones and a drop-pearl ( from an old earring ) in the centre .
20 I noted that he pronounced it in eighteenth-century fashion : ‘ m ’ verse' .
21 I want to write it for live musicians of both sexes .
22 The male three-spined stickleback stakes a territory out and defends it from other males .
23 Send it to Personal Story at the address given on page 3 .
24 Send it to Personal Story at the address on page 3 .
25 Write your answer on a postcard and send it to Good Food Competition , TODAY Features , 1 Virginia Street , London E1 9BS , to arrive by Monday November 9 .
26 Write your answers on the back of a postcard or envelope no bigger than 5in × 6in — please include your boot size , the size of jacket , fleece or T-shirt you 'd like , and your size for waterproof pants — and send it to Outdoor Action Adidas Competition , .
27 So when we set out to develop our new Panasonic brand AT compatible personal computer , we designed it for maximum versatility .
28 De Gaulle had long believed that the PCF 's tendency to align itself with Moscow invalidated it in crucial respects , and in November 1945 he had refused to give the PCF one of the three ministries that he regarded as essential to national security .
29 ( Who knows , they may even enjoy a book so much that the next time the author is published they may even buy it at full price ! )
30 This group were aware of the injury and described it in neutral terms of sensation .
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