Example sentences of "[verb] it [adv] at " in BNC.

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1 Before 1962 he had attempted to modify it through at least five distinct initiatives : by sponsoring a political confederation of Western European states ; by proposing a restructuring of NATO ; by fostering a special relationship with the Federal Republic of Germany ; by decolonizing and establishing new connections with Third World nations ; and by pushing ahead with the development of France 's nuclear weapons programme .
2 And the person who had sorted it together at Birmingham made sure that the next stop it was at , the waggons would be at the back end to leave in that town and this is what my father was doing by er er shunting as it was called , or making a train up to go from Nottingham to London , or some other place in the country , with up to fifty or sixty trucks behind it and they did n't want the trucks next to the engine to be dropped off at the first place and having to shove and push about in their marshalling yard .
3 Once it was dry , Louise styled Kukkay 's hair by twisting it up at the back to create fullness on top while still leaving it curly and ‘ free ’ .
4 When I woke up it was with the certainty that I had solved an extremely important problem and was eager to try it out at once .
5 Only an organisation of this kind was capable of doing justice to the cause of the deaf and dumb and of representing it properly at national level .
6 The important thing about that Bob is not to accept it just at face value .
7 It seems as if the reason that IBM UK Ltd could n't get any cash from its parent to bail it out at the end of last year and reportedly was told to go factor its receivables , is that IBM Corp was too busy bailing out IBM Deutschland GmbH .
8 It seems as if the reason that IBM UK Ltd could n't get any cash from its parent to bail it out at the end of last year and reportedly was told to go factor its receivables , is that IBM Corp was too busy bailing out IBM Deutschland GmbH .
9 He swills it down at times ; of course , on the quiet , after Great-gran 's safely tucked up in bed .
10 There is something in you that loves the wild , the primitive ; you will pursue it even at the cost of what you cherish .
11 Normally , he let it through at 5.43 , except that on that particular Saturday he received it a minute or so late .
12 It is to be suspected that , together with its extensions , it constitutes the nuclear complex of every neurosis , and we may expect to find it actively at work in other regions of mental life .
13 This is because the ‘ syntax ’ of theory , the logic on which it is based , is at the root of structures which have historically been used to trivialize , marginalize , and devalue the discourse of women , to pass it off at best as a mere fiction , and at worst as an illicit form of language use or one in poor taste , like the pun .
14 I mean I tried it out at work I show you the this is what they used at work .
15 We found it over at Scano 's .
16 But Chapman accepted that the short , stocky James was one of football 's great characters , an outstanding individualist who liked to do things his own way , like living it up at West End night clubs until the early hours .
17 Turn on the radio and on every station The Eagles are ‘ Living it up at de Hotel California ’ .
18 If I gave her a pencil she 'd chuck it back at you .
19 They found the brassiere under the bed and Jo let him hook it up at the back for her .
20 Fulham can now continue to lease the ground for the next decade and have the option to purchase it outright at a price of just under £8 million at any time during the 10 years .
21 We agreed to set it up at the last meeting .
22 I suffered it again at Barnsley Park , when our main building period was post-AD 375 , after which there were substantial changes compressed into three periods .
23 You think if I had n't bought it and done it up at enormous personal cost this cottage would still be standing ? ’
24 It does n't sound quite the same when you put it on at the desk . ’
25 I only put it on at night as my herons do n't seem to come in the day .
26 The worse thing is when it gets in your eye when they put it on at the hairdressers after ugh
27 Put it on at seven o'clock er Emmerdale Farm , but you see when it goes on you feel as though you 're tongue tied all be completely anonymous these are all same , but they 're different
28 There were a few of them who put it straight at me and I was forced into getting into rows .
29 Put it instead at the back of a base cabinet or high up on a wall cabinet , or in the space , if there is one , between wall cabinets and ceiling which you can always turn into a second tier of cabinets by adding fronts to match your other units .
30 When Weismann first put it forward at the beginning of the century , it was highly controversial , and most scientists did not believe it .
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