Example sentences of "[verb] to [noun sg] you " in BNC.

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1 With everything committed to paper you 're less likely to forget details and it will help you tackle the situation in a very organised way .
2 If a witness is reluctant to come to court you need to consider whether their enforced presence will be counterproductive , but most witnesses will accept the situation in the end and give their evidence in good faith .
3 You know if you want to darling you
4 Obviously there is also the money element , and by returning to work you can perhaps give your child other benefits you might not otherwise be able to afford such as foreign holidays or maybe a private education .
5 ‘ I can tell you this much : someone tried to garotte you and almost succeeded . ’
6 If all goes according to plan you should find further details of the study and proposed dates for a first meeting enclosed with this letter .
7 According to folklore you can protect yourself from the fairies by carrying iron , steel or oatmeal .
8 According to Jagatan you went to war when you were ten years of age . ’
9 That 's the impression I 've been under but according to form you can do what you bloody want .
10 ‘ I hope to God you know what you 're doing , ’ said Julie when her sister returned .
11 If the case is going to committee you are able to see the agenda and relevant background papers three working days in advance of the meeting , which will be held in public .
12 And she liked the idea of going to work you see , she 'd she 'd got a family , she 'd be about oh she was about ten years older than I was and erm she looked out of place you know .
13 But they allowed all strikers er to have er free credit , free credit , and er well of course this six bob was what we got o practically on an ordinary weeks work , was about as well off on strike then and we was going to work you see .
14 Er when you did get a suit it had to be kept for Sunday , for going to chapel you see , and if you were going to have a new suit it would always be at anniversary time , you did n't get one every anniversary .
15 You need n't bother going to sleep you can just carry the tray for us .
16 ‘ Well , if he thinks we 're just going to hand you over , he can think again , ’ stated Joanna fiercely .
17 Er to that end now er I would like to hand you over to progressively to my colleagues .
18 The newly-appointed C E O , Gary who took over at the end of the year when Gill retired has been very involved in these restructuring efforts and has been working very effectively and is on top of the situation , and although three swallows may not make a summer , I can at least tell you that Camco has traded profitably in each of the first three months of nineteen ninety three and now I 'd like to hand you over to Frank , who will talk about the rest of our business .
19 So on that healthy note I 'd like to hand you back to Michael to summarize .
20 Thank you for your attention I would now like to hand you back
21 I am asking the vendor 's solicitors if they will accept a reduced deposit but in the meantime will you please confirm that the bank has agreed to loan you 95% of the purchase money .
22 ‘ What has occurred to distress you ?
23 And er they used to the cows used to calf you know
24 Harwich Council have offered to rehouse you . ’
25 Erm and proceeding to business you know tell me why did you come to Friends Provident in the first place ?
26 And I was talking , cos I walked along , I walked down towards Twickenham , but I walked to way you go to when I went straight down to Twickenham .
27 You have very little room for manoeuvre within this service , and the Registrar General has reserve powers to impose services on you , and I would have to advice you it would be virtually , or I would have to say it would be impossible to achieve that ongoing reduction in future years .
28 I may have to nursemaid you , but I 'll be damned if I 'll let you bugger things up for me . ’
29 Well , it does n't look too bad , but I 'll have to ground you till you heal up a bit .
30 I quickly sussed out which sellers just piled good fruit on top of bad , which dealers would attempt to hide a bruised apple and which suppliers would always try to short-measure you .
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