Example sentences of "[verb] to [noun prp] to " in BNC.

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1 Meanwhile , Elton is suing the American TV show Hard Copy for slander , alleging that a Hard Copy reporter claimed he moved to Atlanta to be near an AIDS treatment centre .
2 Then in 1870 he moved to London to a post as an articled clerk , and in 1877 was appointed librarian of the Incorporated Law Society .
3 Shortly after Gould 's publication of this information , Darwin moved to London to be closer to what was proving to be a hotbed of scientific activity .
4 With Johanson , who recently moved to California to be director of his own Institute of Human Origins , are Tim White and Desmond Clark , at the University of California at Berkeley .
5 Soon after her husband died , Bel moved to Ayr to be near her only relative , a niece called Bel McGuire .
6 South Korea required support and the combination of the United States and Japan was important : the Americans were committed to Japan to an extent not applicable to South Korea and the South Korean aim was to draw the Americans in further .
7 One reason for that is that most of the thousands of people who travel on those wretched trains to come to London to work are either unskilled or semi-skilled , to use the terms of the manufacturing industry .
8 Hello there … this week we 've come to France to the town of Chalon sur Soane for one of the most dramatic one of of the most dangerous of summer sports … that 's powerboating …
9 ‘ But I have n't come to Liverpool to be number two .
10 We had come to Rangkul to film bar-headed geese for the forthcoming BBC2 series Realms of the Russian Bear .
11 Thomas Williamson , a senior officer with the Metropolitan Police in London , had come to Cleveland to be interviewed for a top job in the county 's force .
12 Alhred 's power-base may have been in the lower Tyne , for the body of his son , Osred , was carried to Tynemouth to be buried in the monastery there .
13 Levagh put his had up to indicate to Fangio to that he was about to overtake ; Macklin then braked , Levagh caught Macklin 's car and somersaulted over the safety barrier into the crowd .
14 John Knox made capital out of the murder by praying to God to ‘ destroy that whore in her whoredom ’ .
15 I understand that more local communities have applied to TDC to be considered as ‘ host ’ towns for new prisons than TDC has plans to build them .
16 It was his habit to patrol the streets of the City , declaiming the Gospel according to Shakespeare to passers-by , emoting his way through the great speeches in the hope of earning a few drinks .
17 In 1914 , three years after her first public concerts , she and her mother moved to Berlin to a life of considerable hardship , until Joachim 's daughter-in-law discovered her talents and arranged some scholarships for her to allow her to study with Huberman .
18 And then you see I gave up my home in Liverpool and came to Anglesey to my people .
19 And he dight himself full gallantly and well , and took with him many knights , both his own and of his kindred and of his friends , and he took also many new arms , and came to Valencia to the King with two hundred of his peers in arms , in festival guise ; and the King went out to meet him , and received him right well , and did him honour ; and at this were all the Counts displeased .
20 One of these , which you can go round , is known now as the Maison Louis XIV , because that remarkable king lodged there in 1660 when he came to Saint-Jean to be married to Maria Theresa , the Infant a of Spain ( the bride stayed across the road in a charming pink brick and stone house known ever since as the Maison de l'lnfante ) .
21 In 1853 Mrs Stowe came to Britain to be lauded while Calvin came to lecture on Teetotalism .
22 She came to Salzburg to the festival but refused to let anyone put themselves out for her ; I was enormously impressed by how kind and unassuming she was .
23 Oh well he came to Llaneilian to be a sexton of the church .
24 The available body of existing tempo evidence may appear to Neumann to be slim , but this does not mean that it is insignificant .
25 SunSelect , however , is already toying with notions of porting Sun 's network NFS to it and is in early discussions with Microsoft , which is currently looking to DEC to buck up its NT networking capabilities , exploring points of synergy .
26 Er , the I I also make the point , that er , my understanding is having now talked to a number of the other C A B's , that in fact they were looking to Thamesdown money advice centre because this money was actually to replace funds that previously had been er , available through the Allied Dunbar sponsorship scheme , and which has , which I gather was withdrawn er , at very short notice , and they were looking to Thamesdown to er provide that support and resource as a county resource , and I I therefore felt that it was right to bring it forward .
27 ‘ Now then , ’ said Deuce , looking critically around the large sitting room which seemed to Harry to be the sort of place the Queen of England would live in , ‘ this wo n't do at all . ’
28 ‘ The Gbejniet moxxi is good , ’ he murmured helpfully , observing her silent conflict with what seemed to Caroline to be cruel amusement .
29 A smile had formed on his lips , and it seemed to Jessica to be a rueful one .
30 Things were indeed hotting up again ; and they seemed to Owen to be hotting up chiefly on the Moslem side .
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