Example sentences of "[verb] it with all " in BNC.

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1 You can build a wardrobe around it , blending it with all your usual clothes .
2 Oh this is this is you here is it ? the other side of the , cos I know when we tried to take photo 's off John , tried to take photo 's of John on the television because he could n't do it with all the flash or .
3 But later in the day , after the Christmas meal , alone in her room for an hour 's rest , she unpacked it with all its effects .
4 Yar , I think I got a copy but I just sort of filed it with all the Quality Manual stuff , as there were various different things which needed .
5 I just took my napkin , filled it with all the coins I had won and tied the corners into a knot .
6 ‘ I 've had it with all of you . ’
7 He had avoided it with all the fuss going on but wanted to see the Bookman once more before the expedition started .
8 Julie snatched up the heavy skillet and swung it with all her strength .
9 Now we 're going to share it with all of you . ’
10 ‘ There 's a batik factory on St Lucia , ’ he continued calmly , ‘ you might find it interesting to see a primitive style of fabric printing , compare it with all this high-tech stuff Chester 's handle .
11 He was most terribly afraid of the ferret , but he loved it with all his heart .
12 In commending it to God , we should couple it with all the workplaces in our land .
13 Even with nice Mr Major as Prime Minister I feel we should resist it with all our energy .
14 for my money I 'd have it with all metal
15 Children and adults come to learn and face up to the facts of caring and sharing on the principal that we can not survive alone on Earth — we must share it with all the other animals and plants .
16 As the hunt goes on for the missing millions of the family 's crashed empire , Pandora , 32 , beamed as she declared : ‘ People will probably wonder how on earth Kevin managed it with all he 's got on his mind . ’
17 We all sang it with all our hearts — even those of us who never went to church .
18 Though he had gone through the motions of caring she saw now with the painful wisdom of hindsight that , despite all his assurances of love and respect for her , he had really only been interested in his own pleasure , pursuing it with all the subtlety of a bulldozer .
19 Say you 've got a report about a small red car , and you want to compare it with all the other small red cars that have been reported in the area .
20 Handle or a knob or whatever you call it with all the proper kind of things on it
21 PAMELA : I reject it with all my soul .
22 Consideration of the nature of hypocrisy in Macbeth reinforces our awareness that Shakespeare connects it with all other forms of evil , the initial dissimulation leading to treason , regicide , and the never-ending chain of murder by which Macbeth destroys the whole of Scotland : Macbeth , having used fraud and force to obtain power , must now use force openly .
23 ‘ They can afford it with all the money they tek off people , ca n't they ? ’
24 When you have separated your knees as wide as possible , squeeze back against the applied pressure , resisting it with all your might .
25 In another place Christ , too , forecast that hypocrisy would eventually be exposed : The Church Fathers inveighed bitterly against hypocrisy , associating it with all forms of evil , depravity , and the work of the devil .
26 He ca n't handle it with all this swearing can he ?
27 You would n't call it the best buildup you ever seen and after a little bit of scrappy play which Pisa failed to get the ball away , it fell inviting on the edge of the area , and he struck it with all the confidence and aplomb a a player who 's been planting 'em in the back of the net all season .
28 Another delegate objected that all colonization was ‘ necessarily capitalistic and thus exploitative ’ , but a French delegate , Rouanet , reproached him : ‘ it is all too easy to blame everything on capitalism and to saddle it with all the crimes of colonization .
29 And often we are the people who embroider it and overbear it with all the complications ent that that are that are part of it .
30 A company can build one character set and include it with all its software .
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