Example sentences of "[verb] it by [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I sometimes worried that he did n't have enough time to see his own music but it seems he has it by memory .
2 ’ I 'll need it by lunchtime tomorrow .
3 She went past Bart 's Hospital and entered it by way of Barley Mow passage on the west .
4 But Adorno assumes that ‘ the process of internalization , to which great music as a self-deliverance from the external world of objects owes its very origin , is not revocable in the concept of musical practice ’ ( ibid : 133 ) , and so he is bound to consider the ‘ functionalism ’ of popular music as regressive , explaining it by reference to social-psychological defects .
5 Seven ECOWAS heads of state — of Benin , Burkina , Côte d'Ivoire , Ghana , Guinea , Nigeria and Togo — meeting in Abuja , Nigeria , on Nov. 7 , called for a ceasefire from midnight on Nov. 10 , giving ECOMOG carte blanche to impose it by force .
6 I weighed it by priority .
7 Folly had to stifle the impression that he had conjured it by magic — or called it like a horse .
8 And we only found it by chance , you know how you go off to think oh I 'll , I 'll go and find a coffee or something , and we found this restaurant at lunch time and had a coffee there and we looked at the menu and , you know , we , we could n't believe it !
9 We just found it by chance .
10 She picked it up , trembling with fatigue , and inspected it by touch and audition alone .
11 At present the local authorities have a duty to provide residential accommodation if this is required for anyone who needs it by reason of age or infirmity .
12 He almost ruined it by parking right up behind me and flashing his headlights once .
13 When they tried to set it by setting and him out
14 Each night he brought BY TRACTOR a quarter of a ton of cooked wheat and spread it by boat .
15 ‘ … shall not be treated as due to the fault of the person suffering it by reason only that he could have prevented it by fencing ; but [ the defendant ] is not liable … where it is proved that the straying of the livestock on to the land would not have occurred but for a breach by any other person , being a person having an interest in the land , of a duty to fence . ’
16 At the moment we have done it by chance when jobs have come up , there is n't one here for Jeff .
17 Martin mentioned that he , he 'd done it by post and you , you ex explored as to why .
18 This stupid Lee at the moment for his exam , he 's meant to have done it by Christmas and he has n't done it for C D T , and he , they had to just choose something erm to make that actually sort of works , so Lee could n't , I mean they did crane 's and things like that and he could n't , the thing he came up with and he 's teacher was a , a go erm , what was it Dave , a goalie stand in his goal
19 If the indemnifier is a natural person , the death or personal injury in question could either be suffered by the indemnifier himself , or by a third party who has suffered it by reason of the indemnitee 's negligence and is claiming against the indemnitee in tort .
20 The true citizen must be ‘ able to understand the interests of the community , must be able to subordinate his own will to the general will , must feel his responsibility to the community and be prepared to serve it by voting , working , or ( if need be ) fighting ’ .
21 Let me just give you a list of some of the things that , that God has provided for us in , by , and we receive it by faith .
22 In order to get a true comparison between the firms ( and accordingly between the contributions , both capital and income generating , of their partners ) it may be necessary : ( 1 ) to revalue capital assets to a common date ; ( 2 ) to bring in the profits from the disposal of any property not required by the merged firm ; ( 3 ) to devise some means of compensation if goodwill is to be written out of account where it has previously been treated as an asset in which the partners have a share ; ( 4 ) where work in progress features in the accounts of one of the firms , to eliminate it by billing or to write it off against the capital accounts of that firm 's partners ; ( 5 ) to settle how bad debts are to be treated post-merger , either charged generally against the new firm or separately against the partners of the old firms ; ( 6 ) to write off the value of old fixtures and fittings ; ( 7 ) to revise profit and loss accounts to a common accounting date .
23 They held that there is a limited set of fundamental ethical terms , such as good , bad , right , wrong , ought , duty , such that you can not explain what one of them amounts to except either by appealing to intuition of some simple non-natural property , or relation , to which it refers or by defining it by way of some other ethical term of which this is true .
24 Every morning we were read a verse from the Bible and had to remember it by heart .
25 ‘ We 'll do it by candlelight . ’
26 It was a bonus that he could do it by way of Eloise Brückner 's bed .
27 So as soon as you get too awkward you think , oh well , forget about fractions , and let's do it by algebra .
28 Unless you can do it by reputation
29 So then it 's just a matter of waiting to get a good take , and if you do n't do it by take three , you do n't have any business doing it .
30 Got ta do it by hand .
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