Example sentences of "[verb] it with such " in BNC.

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1 Not all approached it with such seriousness .
2 The truth was that the two women between them had raised the nine million dollars needed to make The Dawn of Dreams , and they had done it with such consummate feminine grace that the handsome , silver-haired head of the family did not quite understand that his title of producer was merely honorary .
3 Somehow a favourite dress or toy of Paige 's would be damaged , but she had done it with such guile that her parents could never be sure it was intentional .
4 Jane continued her career — if you can dignify it with such a name — on Vogue , where the personnel manager fiercely shot at her the rhetorical question : ‘ You 've got a private income , of course ? ’
5 And how strange it was that , after all these months of resolutely not thinking about her old life in the States , she should begin to remember it with such pleasure !
6 You may have thought you already knew all this , but it is hard to think of anyone who has put the case as plainly , or elucidated it with such concrete examples .
7 Her virtuosity with language is not in doubt ( and all credit to her translator for rendering it with such vitality ) .
8 This case was so complex and difficult that it filled many books of written record and there was so much opposing evidence that it was difficult to get at the truth , but he at last clarified everything and settled it with such skill and wisdom that all commended his extreme cleverness .
9 His skill at hunting living prey increased each day until he could stoop on a hare from half a mile away , judging its path and speeding his attack so that he hit it with such force that it was dead before his talons fully closed on it .
10 Dalgliesh 's wife had n't wanted to be with her mother , she had wanted to be with him , had wanted it with such intensity that he had wondered afterwards whether she might have felt a premonition .
11 ‘ This is all I shall have to remember him by — you are cruel to treat it with such levity . ’
12 The new army had to hold the Western Front after the demoralization of the French , following General Nivelle 's failed offensive of 16 April-21 May 1917 and did it with such success , that Allied victory became a possibility in 1918 .
13 They did it with such tenderness that I gained new strength from their friendship , suddenly seeing the value in continuing , if only to deepen that shared bond .
14 The subject fascinated him ; he always talked about money ; but did it with such an ingenuous enthusiasm that the effect was not alienating .
15 I saw a woman preparing it with such a stick as is used for chocolate , and in the same manner . ’
16 Rose said it with such empathy that all criticism was stopped .
17 He said it with such heartfelt force that I believed him .
18 And she said it with such pride and such display that Clara did not feel at all obliged to conceal the amazement and delight that she felt , as she might , if confronted with a more worldly modesty , have done : for Clelia 's manner declared , this is singular this is beautiful , this may legitimately amaze , you betray no innocence in admiring this .
19 Left at the side of the rutted washboard that has claimed so many victims , it was a poignant reminder that the desert takes a dim view of those who treat it with such disdain .
20 The crusade against the cinema had never caught the imagination of the parish since he had launched it with such lofty aspirations five — or was it six ? — months ago .
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