Example sentences of "[verb] in a long " in BNC.

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1 She now knelt down by Robbie Felton 's side and tentatively , she put her hand inside his thick blue cloth jacket , then drew in a long slow breath when she could feel the beating of his heart .
2 And I have a feeling- ’ She now drew in a long breath before resuming ‘ And it 's more than a feeling , it 's a certainty that , although we 're leaving here , being forced to leave here , we 'll return , for this is our home .
3 The rush over , Maggie drew in a long breath , and turning to the supervisor who was hovering in the background , she asked , ‘ All right if we go ? ’
4 Aggie drew in a long breath and glanced at the child before answering Ben .
5 As the head snuggled into her and the thin arm came round her waist , Aggie drew in a long tight breath ; then when her own arm automatically went around the child , she closed her eyes tightly , because for the first time in her life she was feeling flesh close to her own .
6 Aggie drew in a long breath , bowed her head slightly and said , ‘ Aye , I know you did , love ; but come and sit down a minute . ’
7 He drew in a long , shuddering breath .
8 Her neck rose in a long , rounded column to a face which , though not classically beautiful — the nose was too tilted , the mouth too wide — was heart-stopping in its freshness , its air of innocence combined with its look of deep , untapped feminine knowledge .
9 Two men had escaped the inrush but had been trapped in a long section of roadway ; they had lived together in the pitch dark and freezing cold for about 8 days , until overcome by poisonous gas ; there was no way in which they could have been saved in time had their position been known .
10 Their horses were fresher , and gradually closed on Sharpe who , to spare the mare 's strength , tried to avoid the worst hills , but he eventually found himself trapped in a long valley and was forced to put the mare at a steep grass slope which led to a bare skyline .
11 A set of 32 items meeting these criteria were selected for a short form of the test , and a larger set of 150 items was included in a long form of the test .
12 She seems to have a moth-like fragility until , spellbound by the weightless command she exercises in a long , intimate soliloquy , you realise that you are the moth and she the candle .
13 I just want to briefly introduce this , I do n't want to speak in any great , we have had a long debate in house do you if you wish to engage in a long debate again in view of the time tonight .
14 ‘ He 's the most charming man I 've met in a long time . ’
15 A slight sudden puff of breeze lifted a thickly leafed branch in front of her and she saw two figures , framed by the foliage at the instant their lips met in a long , smooth , seductive and very mutual kiss .
16 ‘ You are the most frustrating piece of womanhood I 've met in a long time , ’ he rasped .
17 She unfastened her own belt , and as her arms wound about his neck their lips met in a long kiss .
18 Their eyes met in a long , arching stare .
19 His preliminary architectural sketches hung in a long glass frame on the passage wall inside the cottage .
20 We stayed right with him , though , because at last Seve dunked in a long one .
21 They came in a long winding string of wagons , horses , barking dogs , dancing children and donkeys .
22 Whilst this representation provides a very compact method of holding and handling a wide range of the common geometric forms found in engineering , it can result in a long processing time when real model edges have to be determined in complex models .
23 Nicest bars I 've seen in a long time . ’
24 He was about to leave the foundry and continue his journey when an apprentice came rushing in with the loveliest girl he had seen in a long while , and his heart seemed to stop .
25 Nobody stops learning , but at only 15st I 'm the fastest heavyweight the world has seen in a long time . ’
26 ‘ I have hit shots this week I have n't seen in a long time .
27 The teaming up of Land 's End Ltd with Rowland Edwards , who seems to have his own unique version of reality , produced one of the choicer pieces of double-speak I 've seen in a long time : a press release announcing a campaign to add fixed anchors and gear to the crags in the interests of the environment and safety .
28 ‘ All this , with the bonus of an organic approach , makes it one of the most original books on gardening that I 've seen in a long time , ’ says our kitchen garden correspondent , Adam Pasco .
29 This is the highest quality educational package I have seen in a long time and is well worth registering .
30 There was an expression on her face I had n't seen in a long time .
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