Example sentences of "[verb] in the long " in BNC.

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1 But really it is the crew as a whole which counts in the long run on a job like this .
2 The main disadvantage of the method lies in the long periods of time required to reach equilibrium .
3 The spots of the leopard ( opposite ) lurking in the long grass help to destroy the solidity of its form , and the dappled patches on the coat of the clouded leopard ( above , left ) conceal it well in the broken light of the forest .
4 Grasshoppers churred in the long grass .
5 I 've had three goes at it , and I can tell you that looks are the last thing to be considered ; it 's what 's underneath that matters in the long run .
6 I have to remember we spent her first ten years together and hope that this will be what matters in the long run .
7 My guess however is that the Ariston 's unusually musical qualities will appeal in the long term where some more glamorous looking contrivances will ultimately be found tiresome or wanting .
8 NSPCC brass FIVE young brass players will be appearing in the Long Room of Eaton Hall next week to raise money for the NSPCC .
9 All of them are now under review to make sure they are ‘ in a particular market where we can win in the long term ’ .
10 He dabbled in the long jump until the age of twenty-four and then decided to switch to the sprints .
11 His feet , shod in the long black leather boots of China 's Ming rulers , rested in the embrace of two reclining golden dogs carved in the throne 's base and in his hands he held an ivory wand bearing a tiny mirror , which , Tran Van Hieu had explained , he used to shield his face and demonstrate his symbolic humility before the spirits of his ancestors .
12 We happily planned a day hike as we swam in the long blue lake while butterflies fluttered around us .
13 It must be admitted that the famous mould may well have strayed upstairs from the cultures on the floor below , and is perhaps to be included in the long list of profitable discoveries which arose from a lapse in maintaining the highest standards of laboratory practice .
14 Strict glycaemic control by using portable insulin pumps can arrest progression towards diabetic nephropathy , but this method 's safety must be considered in the long term .
15 There is a good argument that the exclusion of a development corporation has in the long term been to Cramlington 's advantage , but the opportunity for land development profits was very important .
16 This separation of the responsibilities of public office from the personal qualities of the incumbent has in the long term had a number of important consequences on decision-making in rural areas .
17 They 're not always to be trusted in the long term , you know . ’
18 In conclusion , I ask is it sensible needlessly to destroy a system which provides the best standard of living for all its citizens on the African continent and replace it with a system which will bring misery in the short-term and has little proof that it will ever attain today 's standard of living in the long term ?
19 As to GATT , a trade war between America and Europe would be bad for people 's stand of living in the long run but it would n't have much direct effect on Courtaulds .
20 It seems to me when deciding that case , the court of appeal were as Mr suggests taking a long-term view , I of course bear in mind the well known aphorism of Lord about er what happens in the long term , but er , my own view is , that in fact , a house should not actually be built as an investment at all it is something to live in , to make a home in , it is not something to make money out of , I very much regret the fact that er over recent years that view seems to have become somewhat old fashioned .
21 But we may expect in the long run to become as comfortable in the new clothes as we were in the old .
22 Yeah , mind you his , his short er term policies so it does n't matter in the long run .
23 You would probably both benefit in the long term by coming to such a compromise as interests and contacts from outside can save you both from the trapped feeling that a dependent relationship can bring about .
24 Perhaps the United States itself would benefit in the long run from a more flexible policy on sterling and other matters .
25 Surely , however , the women who do make the transition from the grant-aided sector to the mainstream bring with them a history of political and creative experience which must make itself felt in the long run ?
26 Paolucci claims ( in Beccaria 1963 , p. ix ) that Dei Delitti e delle Pene has had ‘ more practical effect than any other treatise ever written in the long campaign against barbarism in criminal law and procedure ’ .
27 Looking in the long mirror , she was satisfied with the tailored , dark-grey worsted suit and simple white blouse , the black suede courts , white gloves , and sleek , long black umbrella .
28 PhosphorImager analysis of Southern blots showed that all of the Ea DH sites had been reestablished in the Long 12 mouse ( see figure legend to Figure 4C ) .
29 To a certain extent it does not matter how well a product performs if the user takes a strong dislike to it then it will not succeed in the long run .
30 An advantage of this slender branch byway , which runs at a higher level than the main road , is the splendid panorama it affords of the encircling hills : across the valley the distant double-topped Frostrow merges in the long whaleback skyline of Rise Hill ; at the head is Great Knoutberry Hill carrying the railway ; rising to the left are the lower slopes of Whernside , succeeded by Great Coum beyond the gap of Deepdale , and finally Middleton Fell closes the horizon .
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