Example sentences of "[verb] in one [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 After all , even when teachers are teaching their students to communicate in one language at a time they need to examine the principles of communication .
2 I have known between three and four dozen boys and girls sleep in one room .
3 I might remember not to treat people as if they could only act in one way .
4 The conventional hip replacement is designed in one piece it 's rigid and made in standard sizes.But the new design called the Oxford Universal Hip is made up of three components , each component is available in different sizes .
5 There is no known species of plant that is not attacked in one way or another by them .
6 H B F's assessment that there are about thirty one thousand dwellings already committed in one way or another in the system .
7 There 's I think it 's approximately twenty six hectares identified , erm most of which is committed in one way or another .
8 As part of the Sunningdale agreement the British and Irish governments agreed to take steps whereby offences committed in one part of the island could be brought before the Courts in the other .
9 So we 're talking there for about something of the order of twenty nine thousand develop erm dwellings committed in one form or other er in North Yorkshire .
10 I drank mint tea in the carpet shops ( and found Stefan Grappelli , Bryan Ferry and Ben Kingsley listed in one shop 's order book ) .
11 Another advantage of the gens system was that you could keep the fortune you had amassed in one incarnation and use it in the next .
12 A car engine throbbed , people called greetings , there was the creak of shutters opening in one flat and the sound of a radio in another .
13 A pair of ½in holes drilled in one end of the box accommodate the push rods completes the basic box .
14 Plastic knitting needles were scrounged and a series of holes slightly smaller than the needles were drilled in one end of an 8″ length of 4″ diameter pipe .
15 Thirdly , just as cross-linguistic comparisons can reveal general functions of language by contrasts between what is encoded in one language and not in another , so comparisons across stages of acquisition can be revealing in the same way ( Ochs , 1979a ) .
16 For example , after several years of operation within the Eastman Kodak Company , the estimated value of ideas harvested in one year alone was approximately $300 million ( over the lifetime of the idea ) while the cost of connecting the ideas through an OI network containing 19 offices was only 0.3% of the potential revenue ( Rosenfeld and Servo , 1988 ) .
17 Motions occurring in one ground may acquire differing emotional and physical attributed in another ground .
18 Soon it was time for luncheon , and the whole of the downstairs staff was occupied in one way or another .
19 So he asked if he could publish it on the morning of press day ; appearing in one paper in London would not undermine the American publicity .
20 Only when things go wrong is the veil of privacy which normally conceals the workings of married life lifted , and usually in the hope of discovering that what is happening in one marriage is not , after all , so dissimilar from what is happening in others .
21 At one time the abbot 's vineyards stretched all the way to the River Severn , from beneath the castle walls where 98 corpses hung after the siege of Shrewsbury described in One Corpse Too Many .
22 He was also to experience some awful moments and he was badly wounded in one battle by a splinter from a shell which killed two men immediately behind him .
23 This means that if humans were able to absorb solar energy directly , with 100 per cent efficiency , then we could cram in one adult per square metre .
24 to examine the literature on the politics and institutional arrangements of the United Kingdom since the Act of Union with Scotland , the language and Churches question in Wales and through the Irish Question , to establish in one framework both integrative and disintegrative factors ;
25 It is as if strict legal considerations seem to pull in one direction , while supposedly practical policy considerations point in another .
26 She 'd come in , pick up a rubber skirt and say , half you ziss in one leetle size bigger ?
27 Culley tracked left and found him again , startled by the way the image was drawn to stand before him , as if his voice must be heard , as if the man must see as clearly as he was seen — Levis , stetson , a loose shirt ; a rifle cradled in one arm .
28 But it was one more fact to add to the picture of Ted Mosse , that ambiguous figure who was heavily disliked in one street , a doubtful ‘ poor old fellow ’ in another , and more or less mistrusted in all three .
29 The British commander who has to bring his team through the desert in Ice Cold in Alex ( 1958 ) seems hysterical and incompetent by comparison with the Dutch South African who accompanies them but is working for the Germans ; and the message of Ealing 's Dunkirk ( 1958 ) is summarized in one character 's closing statement , ‘ Somebody 's made a muck of it but I do n't think it 's the army . ’
30 A greater mortality in hypertensive compared to normotensive diabetics was reported in one study but no comparison with non-diabetic hypertensives was made ( Hayward & Lucena , 1965 ) , while a 10-year prospective study of 370 diabetics showed that hypertension was no more hazardous in diabetics than non-diabetics ( Pell & D'Alonzo , 1970 ) .
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