Example sentences of "[verb] in the right " in BNC.

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1 Prayer must be approached in the right spirit of humility .
2 ( Rule of Life No. 83 : Approached in the right way , anyone will tell you anything and it will usually be true . )
3 ( Rule of Life No. 83 : Approached in the right way , anyone will tell you anything and it will usually be true . )
4 Although physiologically naive to suggest , as some have , that the seat of creativity lies in the right hemisphere , the latter 's contribution must be considered of unique importance , given what is known about its style of cognitive processing .
5 How does it happen that these stimuli are so arranged in space that the right kinds of cells appear in the right places ?
6 You see , it 's not up to the participants to come in the right mood .
7 In contrast , Coltheart ( 1980 ) and Saffran , Bogyo , Schwartz and Marin ( 1980 ) suggested that in deep dyslexia the normal reading system can not operate at all , and that the reading that the patient can manage is mediated by an alternative processing system located in the right hemisphere , a system which might play no role at all in normal reading .
8 You will now want to make sure that your feet are landing in the right place .
9 A word dropped in the right ear , Nelly told herself , might bring her the job if she decided to earn an honest penny at Thrush Green .
10 There was little room for lesbians to be out in the first half of this century , unless of course they moved in the right literary or aristocratic circles .
11 I shall not forget how your husband helped a new and inexperienced Head to see what was wrong with the school 's Art Room , helped also in pressing in the right quarter , for its improvement — all of which resulted in a much-needed tonic for the Art teaching in the school .
12 Similarly teams of medical advisers were brought down to William Osborne to inspect and comment on the level and location of medical equipment so that as the boat was built the right equipment was installed in the right place .
13 Studies using the tachistoscopic ( Moore , 1976 ) , dichotic listening ( Curry and Gregory , 1969 ; Brady and Berson , 1975 ; Rosenfield and Goodglass , 1980 ) and electroencephalographic ( Moore and Lang , 1977 ) techniques have sometimes , but not always ( Slorach and Noehr 1973 ; Pinsky and McAdam , 1980 ) , suggested that a greater proportion of stutterers than controls have some language processes lateralised in the right hemisphere .
14 Fight the flab with fat-burning aerobic dance which is another alternative for those who only want to shake in the right places .
15 Certainly she had seen something moving in the forest that day on Ridgery Steep , something fairly large , something white , and Allen had failed to see it ; but then it was possible that he had not looked in the right spot at the right moment and that his failure to see it was an accident .
16 They may be of course , but we may not have looked in the right place yet to find that .
17 I suggest that the hon. Gentleman looks in the right telephone directory .
18 The three-year-old collie , Bob , was stabbed in the right eye and hit across the head with an iron pipe .
19 With binocular viewing , P.P. made initial shifts of gaze in the correct direction to 100% ( 7/7 ) of targets presented in the right half-field , and 82% ( 9/11 ) in the left half-field whose cortical projection is missing .
20 Using a tachistoscope and testing normal subjects it has been repeatedly shown that letters and words presented in the right visual field are more easily identified than the same stimuli presented in the left visual field .
21 Using a tachistoscope and testing normal subjects it has been repeatedly shown that letters and words presented in the right visual field are more easily identified than the same stimuli presented in the left visual field .
22 Although Darwin had turned in the right direction , he could do very little with mind and culture during his lifetime for the same reason that he was helpless before the mysteries of heredity : the basic information and modes of thought were lacking to produce the stable foundation which he correctly viewed as essential .
23 The goal on which we would all agree , I suggest , would be one of fairness , whereby resources are distributed and technology applied in the right way .
24 It would , for example , be no defence for the seller to say that his farm fertiliser was perfectly safe and effective when applied in the right concentration ( at the right time of the year ) if the instructions supplied with the fertiliser stated in error the wrong concentration , whether too weak to be effective or so strong as to kill the crops .
25 The main objectives of policy are , first , to enable the demand to be met in the right places , while preventing sites from springing up in the wrong places ; and , second , to allow caravan sites , where permitted , to be established on a permanent or long-term basis , in order to facilitate the provision of proper services and equipment and to allow the occupants reasonable security of tenure .
26 The illuminated sail was reversible , so that it always sailed in the right direction to ensure authenticity .
27 So we need to have some check that it is being done in the right circumstances .
28 Being a French-built helicopter , the rotors do not appear in the right hand window and vanish from the left one , as they would in an American-built machine .
29 if I may give you a word of advice , you may think it 's rude , but when Mr is asking questions try not to turn down towards him , if you try and face across the jury , that 's what carries the voice if you 're looking at them , if you turn to your left , a bit of your head goes down a bit , it 's only natural , you 're not as used to courts as Mr is , er , he , he , your , it , your voice smothers , it 's not a question of shouting it 's just looking in the right direction , yes Mr go on
30 But first of all in terms of a precedency attitude I hope I 'm looking in the right place ?
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