Example sentences of "[verb] in [art] long " in BNC.

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1 But really it is the crew as a whole which counts in the long run on a job like this .
2 The main disadvantage of the method lies in the long periods of time required to reach equilibrium .
3 The spots of the leopard ( opposite ) lurking in the long grass help to destroy the solidity of its form , and the dappled patches on the coat of the clouded leopard ( above , left ) conceal it well in the broken light of the forest .
4 Grasshoppers churred in the long grass .
5 I 've had three goes at it , and I can tell you that looks are the last thing to be considered ; it 's what 's underneath that matters in the long run .
6 I have to remember we spent her first ten years together and hope that this will be what matters in the long run .
7 My guess however is that the Ariston 's unusually musical qualities will appeal in the long term where some more glamorous looking contrivances will ultimately be found tiresome or wanting .
8 She now knelt down by Robbie Felton 's side and tentatively , she put her hand inside his thick blue cloth jacket , then drew in a long slow breath when she could feel the beating of his heart .
9 And I have a feeling- ’ She now drew in a long breath before resuming ‘ And it 's more than a feeling , it 's a certainty that , although we 're leaving here , being forced to leave here , we 'll return , for this is our home .
10 The rush over , Maggie drew in a long breath , and turning to the supervisor who was hovering in the background , she asked , ‘ All right if we go ? ’
11 Aggie drew in a long breath and glanced at the child before answering Ben .
12 As the head snuggled into her and the thin arm came round her waist , Aggie drew in a long tight breath ; then when her own arm automatically went around the child , she closed her eyes tightly , because for the first time in her life she was feeling flesh close to her own .
13 Aggie drew in a long breath , bowed her head slightly and said , ‘ Aye , I know you did , love ; but come and sit down a minute . ’
14 He drew in a long , shuddering breath .
15 NSPCC brass FIVE young brass players will be appearing in the Long Room of Eaton Hall next week to raise money for the NSPCC .
16 All of them are now under review to make sure they are ‘ in a particular market where we can win in the long term ’ .
17 Her neck rose in a long , rounded column to a face which , though not classically beautiful — the nose was too tilted , the mouth too wide — was heart-stopping in its freshness , its air of innocence combined with its look of deep , untapped feminine knowledge .
18 He dabbled in the long jump until the age of twenty-four and then decided to switch to the sprints .
19 Two men had escaped the inrush but had been trapped in a long section of roadway ; they had lived together in the pitch dark and freezing cold for about 8 days , until overcome by poisonous gas ; there was no way in which they could have been saved in time had their position been known .
20 Their horses were fresher , and gradually closed on Sharpe who , to spare the mare 's strength , tried to avoid the worst hills , but he eventually found himself trapped in a long valley and was forced to put the mare at a steep grass slope which led to a bare skyline .
21 It can be limited across the whole country or across wide areas liable to suffer in the longer term ( for example , on all permeable soils such as on chalk , limestone , sand or sandstone ) .
22 His feet , shod in the long black leather boots of China 's Ming rulers , rested in the embrace of two reclining golden dogs carved in the throne 's base and in his hands he held an ivory wand bearing a tiny mirror , which , Tran Van Hieu had explained , he used to shield his face and demonstrate his symbolic humility before the spirits of his ancestors .
23 Bipeds evolved larger digestive tracts which one would normally expect to find in a longer , heavier stomach cavity in front of the hips , which would present anatomical problems in balancing .
24 We happily planned a day hike as we swam in the long blue lake while butterflies fluttered around us .
25 She now lives in the longest village in England with her husband and two children , Sebastian and Octavia ( Octavia because she was born in eight minutes ) .
26 A set of 32 items meeting these criteria were selected for a short form of the test , and a larger set of 150 items was included in a long form of the test .
27 It must be admitted that the famous mould may well have strayed upstairs from the cultures on the floor below , and is perhaps to be included in the long list of profitable discoveries which arose from a lapse in maintaining the highest standards of laboratory practice .
28 Strict glycaemic control by using portable insulin pumps can arrest progression towards diabetic nephropathy , but this method 's safety must be considered in the long term .
29 As he said , it makes some criticism of the European dimension , but in paragraph 8 headed ’ Europe ’ it also says : ’ While local government structure in the UK can not be determined by the nature of European structural funds and the case for regional authorities with power over service delivery has not been made out , the European dimension must nonetheless be considered in the longer term . ’
30 She seems to have a moth-like fragility until , spellbound by the weightless command she exercises in a long , intimate soliloquy , you realise that you are the moth and she the candle .
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