Example sentences of "[verb] in [art] year " in BNC.

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1 Citicorp Scrimgeour Vickers , for example , is licensed for stockbroking , trading and underwriting : most of its profits ( 200m won in the year to March ) came from buying bonds .
2 As he left the court , he asked the King to visit him when he , too , wed in a year 's time .
3 It also involves rescheduling the whole programme so that decisions on commitments to production can be deferred until nineteen ninety five , with first deliveries to United Kingdom and Italy occurring in the year two thousand and to er Spain and Germany in two thousand and two .
4 SCOTTISH supermarket group William Low saw profits squeezed in the year to September .
5 Three thousand members were added in a year .
6 Say in a year from now ? ’
7 The when your Plan matures in the year 2001 — you could stand to collect yet another type of bonus : a final extra payout to boost that cash sum which you then receive .
8 An individual with a Quetelet 's Index of 40 has three times the risk of dying in a year than someone whose weight is deal .
9 The planning which made Charlemagne such a successful campaigner was not limited to the organisation of the army 's stomach ; he employed extensive advance information , usually gathered and considered in the year before each campaign .
10 The Port of Belfast now handles more than 55% of Northern Ireland 's seaborne trade and this impressive figure is likely to increase in the year 's ahead .
11 This tells us water temperatures were changing and we believe this represents a major almenial event which occurred in the year seventeen forty seven .
12 In the first edition of this book we described at length the reactions evoked by the Report , its strengths and weaknesses as we saw them , and the developments that occurred in the year or so following the publication of Circular 11/77 .
13 Only 11 firms , out of the 138 registered with the English Institute that the JMU visited in the year to 30 September 1992 , achieved ‘ yes ’ answers to all 13 questions .
14 I think she must have thought that Miss Moberley and Miss Jourdain , temporarily living in the year 1789 , had not been impeded by walls built after that date ; but I am sure she must have misread her map .
15 Crestworth Trading , the company which originally made the lamp , started work on them again in 1990 and turnover has tripled in a year and a half .
16 Once again we have tried to reflect in the year 's programme the feed-back we have had from you and this year we have obviously been particularly aware of the financial constraints upon us .
17 They earn in a year what he 'd pay a French worker in a month .
18 ‘ Mr Lamont earns more in a month than many of our members earn in a year . ’
19 His father had decided in the year 1830 to move out of London and to take a small house in the country .
20 Er , for , for , what N C V O has done in the year .
21 In brief , the consideration is split into six equal portions and one-sixth is taxed as the vendor 's income under Schedule D Case VI in each year for six years , unless the vendor elects , within two years , for the whole sum to be taxed in the year in which it is received .
22 Do n't forget to ask how much energy an appliance uses in a year and do your own comparison with similar appliances
23 Written in the year 1662 . ’
24 His Omphalos ( 1858 ) was written in the year before the Origin of Species , so it is not a reply to it ; but it can be seen as a reply in anticipation .
25 LEAs have tended to set targets which , when reached , can not be exceeded in the year in question .
26 he whole thing was built in a year , quite incredible .
27 Waterloo Bridge , so named because it was built in the year of the battle ( 1815 ) , is one of the oldest of the iron bridges of considerable size .
28 Built in the year nine O nine , for six hundred years it was the largest enclosed building in the world .
29 How much do you think you cost in a year ?
30 The holding of the summit in Madrid came in the year of official Spanish celebration of the 500th anniversary of Colombus 's voyage to America .
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