Example sentences of "[verb] a long [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Suitably armed , the Princess felt confident enough to write a long and detailed rejoinder to her irate father-in-law which effectively spelled out the way she felt she had been treated by husband , the Royal Family and their courtiers .
2 Case No. 9 : 76 year-old Sulphur patient with typical 11.00 hr. aggravation and bladder infections felt temporary relief for two months after Sulphur 200 , Sulph 1M was given , but she sustained a long and somewhat debilitating aggravation lasting 6–8 weeks .
3 The twelfth is notable : for the first time ( UX No 430 ) Sybase will be available on the ICL DRS6000 , ending a long and tense stand-offish relationship between it and ICL formerly wedded to the Ingres toolset , and Sybase , and joining rivals Oracle and Informix on the ICL Unix platform .
4 The twelfth is notable : for the first time , Sybase will be available on the ICL Plc DRS 6000 , ending a long and tense stand-offish relationship between it and an ICL formerly wedded to the Ingres tool set , and Sybase , and joining rivals Oracle and Informix on the ICL Unix system .
5 A few days later the Sunday People followed up with a similar theme in the Voice of the People column , ending a long and forceful editorial with an impassioned plea :
6 The rat-teeth missed her but caught her robe , slashing it open from hip to ankle , revealing a long and shapely leg .
7 Regaining this knowledge involved a long and hazardous series of amphibious raids in which the clandestine activities of SOE and the Secret Intelligence Service ( SIS ) , as well as the commandos , became involved .
8 Bob Smith and David Brand from HMS United got inshore on their first night 's recce to find a long and uncharted sandbank off the south coast port of Gela , where the Rangers would land that summer .
9 Like other key notions in psychoanalysis , the sense of desire as a quest for an always impossible self-completion in or through the other has a long though oft en unrecognized history .
10 Instead , sanctions could sometimes be avoided by using the organization 's rules against a superior — ‘ working to rule ’ has a long and honourable tradition in labour history , especially where industrial action is prohibited .
11 Vindication of the right to vote has a long and proud history .
12 Take education , in which Mr Clinton has a long and distinguished interest .
13 Basically white American rural music descended from British and Irish folk traditions , country has a long and much cherished lineage .
14 The use of sex crime in the media as a source of titillation has a long and inglorious past which has emerged spectacularly again in the Thatcher years .
15 He has a long and distinguished career in public health medicine : he was the first doctor to give a patient penicillin in 1941 and then moved to the post of director of the Medical Research Council 's Pneumoconiosis Research Unit , investigating diseases of the lung .
16 Lucca has a long and brave history and its rigid grid of streets still betray its Roman origins .
17 Perhaps the latter term suggests too wide a subject-matter ; it would seem , for example , to include extradition ( which has a long and separate history , and is not examined in this book ) as well as the provision of technical assistance in , for example , legislative drafting .
18 Fraserburgh has a long and distinguished lifeboat history , but the town has paid the price with the loss of no less than 13 lifeboatmen 's lives in the course of several disasters .
19 It remains the key to our understanding of the natural world and it enables us to recognise that life has a long and continuous history during which organisms , both plant and animal , have changed , generation by generation , as they colonised all parts of the world .
20 The city of Shechem has a long and important history .
21 This distinction has a long and respectable history .
22 Defined as ‘ the encouragement given to an individual by a patron who favours , protects , and gives influential support , ’ it has a long and generally inglorious history in the development of careers in medicine .
23 The use of the streets and other public places as venues in which to air grievances and complaints ( and to celebrate achievements ) has a long and hallowed history .
24 The usage embodied in the first of these quotations is now well established in the literature , and the sentiments expressed in the second serve to remind us that the idea of the ultimately contingent nature of what is often taken to be ‘ natural ’ has a long and distinguished pedigree .
25 The legal profession in England and Wales has a long and distinguished history .
26 The legal profession in England and Wales has a long and distinguished history .
27 This journal has a long and distinguished history , publishing mainly shorter papers on a wide spread of subjects .
28 This journal has a long and distinguished history , publishing mainly shorter papers on a wide spread of subjects .
29 Biological research has a long and distinguished tradition in the University and the excellence of research within the Division is recognised nationally and internationally .
30 The University of Edinburgh is one of the ancient universities of Scotland and as such has a long and fascinating history on which to build towards a dynamic future at the forefront of teaching and research .
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