Example sentences of "[verb] the [det] if " in BNC.

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1 Was n't Sleet the same if , for once , she was honest ?
2 A particle of spin 2 is like a double-headed arrow ( Fig. 5.1-iii ) : it looks the same if one turns it round half a revolution ( 180 degrees ) .
3 In other words , the universe would have to behave the same if one replaced particles by antiparticles , took the mirror image , and also reversed the direction of time .
4 I 'm sure you 'd have done the same if you 'd been in my shoes . ’
5 You and I might have done the same if we had been there , though we would have had none of the technical skill and detailed knowledge of Fleming .
6 That 's right and he , we would have done the same if we 'd have found six men in there , er they all would have been secured until such time as I was happy that the the flat was clear .
7 You would have done the same if you 'd known . ’
8 But you 'd feel the same if you were my age , the biological clock ticking away — I mean , I 'd like to have children …
9 In the last resort his conduct is in accord with ‘ Be aware ’ , because he would be acting the same if he were capable of full awareness both of the goal of saving life and of the temporary anguish he is inflicting , but being merely human he would lose sight of the goal if he let his mind dwell on the pain .
10 You can do the same if you note the time every occasion you get a bite or a fish , and fish a water for long enough .
11 what the valency is to make up this formula you could do the same if it was if someone told you it was an some unknown So if it 's an unknown compound and I drip Let's say it was unknown compound and I dripped hydrochloric acid on and I got carbon dioxide given off yeah
12 The British Government can not order people to label inhumanely produced veal , but consumers can demand it , supermarkets can provide the labelling and the restaurant trade can do the same if it is so minded .
13 No doubt her mind would do the same if she stopped chivvying it .
14 Similarly , higher spin particles look the same if one turns them through smaller fractions of a complete revolution .
15 All this seems fairly straightforward , but the remarkable fact is that there are particles that do not look the same if one turns them through just one revolution : you have to turn them through two complete revolutions !
16 It explained mathematically why the electron had spin 1/2 , that is , why it did n't look the same if you turned it through only one complete revolution , but did if you turned it through two revolutions .
17 They will need to do the same if they are interpreting music .
18 Well you 've both got to do the same if you 're playing the same game Jonathan .
19 Always do the latter if you keep marines .
20 I do the same if someone I 've never seen comes up and uses one of my names .
21 yes alright well let's leave that one and let's see and I stand corrected , but my point remains the same if er , erm , er my duty under article five is not to find to the anti competition laws is it ?
22 We shall say the same if , when the testator had instituted a sole heir , for the sake of the person who would be heir on intestacy he wrote ‘ I ask in place of the estate which I left to you , which would pass on intestacy to my brother , that you be content with 100 gold pieces . '
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