Example sentences of "[verb] the [adj] government " in BNC.

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1 In addition , the conference was forced to accept the need to organize a campaign to compel the National government to drop its policy of non-intervention , an action which led to the formation of the Spain Campaign Committee .
2 Ministers insisted that both projects should be financed by the private sector and the Channel Tunnel Act specifically prohibits the British Government from subsidising either the tunnel or transport infrastructure linked to it .
3 Up to now , the republics and provinces ( or at least the more prosperous ones ) have shown a strong resistance to allowing the federal government to enter the field of income tax .
4 The RSFSR , Ukraine and Kazakhstan had objected to allowing the federal government to impose taxes , demanding that the union budget should be financed from taxes collected by individual republics .
5 On June 17 European Community ( EC ) industry ministers approved proposals allowing the German government to subsidize eastern German shipbuilding yards until December 1993 by up to 36 per cent of estimated turnover after restructuring ( the usual EC maximum being 9 per cent ) .
6 * Greenpeace has criticized the Israeli government for failing to take steps to cut production of methyl bromide .
7 The issues appeared in different proportions at Rome and at Canterbury , but no one was inclined to minimize the importance of the Canterbury claim — and rightly , for the concession of a primacy such as Lanfranc and Anselm desired would have altered the future government of the medieval Church more than any concessions in the matter of investitures .
8 Commenting on the Arens statement the Middle East Economic Digest of Dec. 22 said that " the PLO 's apparent approval of Cairo 's move made the Egyptian government an unacceptable interlocutor for Tel Aviv " .
9 Hugh Gaitskell made the Tory Government 's case for it when he said in the House of Commons Defence debate :
10 Thus a Soviet coal miner on his union 's attempt to do what Solidarity did in Poland — bring the Communist government down .
11 All the talk about demonstration projects , all the talk of using the federal government as a bully pulpit for education reform , can not hide the fact that any reforms that Mr Clinton is able to make will be ones on the margin .
12 And can I just comment on one point by Mr , he said about they 've been using the local government erm housing Act .
13 On May 31 , 1990 , the African Liberation Forces of Mauritania ( Forces de libération africaine de Mauritanie — FLAM ) , a black Mauritanian opposition movement committed to armed struggle against the ruling CMSN , accused Mali of assisting the Mauritanian government in what it called " genocidal racism " against blacks .
14 The talks were held under the auspices of the National Unification Commission , a body which had been established by presidential proclamation in early August in order to promote the new government 's policy of encouraging all insurgents to renounce armed struggle in return for an amnesty .
15 His successor was Sir Clive Wigram , who in June 1931 attended another dinner , this time given by a South African millionaire , Sir Abe Bailey , to promote the National Government conception .
16 It was reported on March 14 , 1990 , that the government had recognized the Panamanian government of Guillermo Endara and would be restoring diplomatic relations .
17 On Dec. 22 a panel of the Supreme Court had overturned one challenge by a group of Bhopal victims by upholding legislation passed in 1985 which had given the central government the sole right to negotiate with UCC .
18 It looks even more doubtful now , given the Serbian government 's opposition .
19 Given the British Government 's determination to provide official aid to democratic countries — we are seeing the emergence of a growing number of them — does my hon. Friend agree that it would be proper and popular over the next five years to halve the gap between our official aid and the United Nations target ?
20 a ) Help with clearing land mines ; b ) Targeting rural poverty ; c ) Helping the Cambodian government to make the best use of aid and d ) The UK should use its influence in the United Nations to ensure the fullest support for the move to peace and democracy in Cambodia , and specifically should call for the establishment of a Human Rights Rapporteur for Cambodia reporting directly to the United Nations Security Council .
21 Set up in I 978 with the twin missions of keeping Israeli troops out of southern Lebanon and helping the Lebanese government to control the Palestinians there , it was never given the strength to do either .
22 Akashi , during a visit to Japan on March 11 , said that he expected the Japanese government to contribute a third of UNTAC 's estimated total cost of US$1,900 million .
23 Whether anyone in Berlin seriously expected the French government to believe this is certainly open to question in view of the preceding events .
24 Socialists often presented the Spanish issue in balance-of-power terms , accusing the National Government of standing idly by while fascism gained control of Britain 's vital Mediterranean sea routes .
25 There was no disagreement in accusing the National government of callousness and indifference .
26 Tension over the slavophone Macedonian minority in northern Greece culminated in June 1990 in Yugoslav Macedonians blocking the Greek-Yugoslav border , accusing the Greek government of being " selective " in issuing visas .
27 If hon. Members are dissatisfied with my list , I can also cite the example of a distinguished former Member of the House , Mr. Alick Buchanan-Smith , whose principled support of devolution all his political life was , among many other factors , a proper mark of his integrity and desire to see the best government for Scotland .
28 What he expected was to see the Labour Government driven into an election either by its own dissensions or by the action of the Liberals , and its consequent replacement by a Conservative administration , obviously with himself at the head .
29 Underlining the British government 's commitment to link aid and democratic practices , he made a strong statement in favour of multiparty democracy , but appeared to hold back from criticism of Kenya 's human rights record , saying at a press conference that " when you look at other countries in Africa , Kenya 's record is good " .
30 If I had to nominate those politicians whose views I most trusted , who have most clearly articulated my own fluid , contingent thoughts on the crisis as it developed , I would opt for two pensionable septuagenarians , both of whom I despised in their political heyday : Denis Healey , who sold the Labour government to the IMF , and Ted Heath , who became the Tories ' lamest duck of all .
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