Example sentences of "[verb] the [noun] or " in BNC.

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1 More detailed analysis of these and other cases provides confirmation of the findings of more systematic research into the factors which influence the success or failure of innovations : for example , the importance of communication , the role of product champions , the matching of technological and market opportunities , and the value of understanding user needs ( Rothwell , 1977 ) .
2 Selectivity affects variables or attributes that influence the outcome or the dependent variable : the problem is , if using the experimental mock-up , to separate out this initial selectivity from the impact of the institution , in this case , the military .
3 Mr Charles Gray , QC , Lord Aldington 's counsel , asked : ‘ Have you come here to nail the bastards or to help to discover the truth ? ’
4 most of these are fixed costs ( i.e. they will be incurred whether you host the conferences or not ) .
5 If you 've been thinking of making domestic changes or improvements , but lacked the money or momentum to set the wheels of change in motion use today to make a start .
6 Equally , large European Community ( EC ) grants had been attracted to Portugal which frequently lacked the infrastructure or administrative machinery necessary to absorb them in the most productive manner .
7 You obtain evidence of the date and place you posted the letter or package and special security handling arrangements throughout , and someone must sign for it when we deliver it .
8 Suppose one or more of those who visited Burford three weeks later had witnessed the murder or knew what Everett had discovered .
9 Knead the fondant or marzipan thoroughly , using a circular motion to spread the colour evenly .
10 He also ruled that the tour would be a one-time abridgement of the identure to the will of Albert C. Barnes , the collection 's founder , which emphatically prohibits the sale or loan of any of the foundation 's works .
11 This section prohibits the sale or supply of alcoholic liquor in licensed premises and in the premises of registered clubs , or the consumption in , or the taking away from such premises of alcoholic liquor except during the permitted hours .
12 I do not think this reversal did much to uphold the seriousness or credibility of the sporting authorities ; it did , however , solve certain in-house problems and — until Monza — lower the temperature in the great debate about Ferrari ‘ influence ’ .
13 The partially closed window holds the foam in place , allowing the cable or hose free movement . ,
14 What remains is the suggestion that contextual cues present during associative learning acquire a conditional function allowing the use or retrieval of the information encoded in associative links .
15 On Nov. 4 hearings began in a federal appeals court in Honolulu on the constitutionality of a Guam territorial law of 1990 , permitting abortion only when a pregnancy threatened to kill the woman or " gravely impair " her health .
16 She is , of course , renowned for her critical essays punctuated with cusses on the male of the species and does n't spare the blushes or the punches when exposing them to ridicule .
17 The court to which an application for a stay of action should be made is the court in which that action is pending and the court can either stay the action or allow it to continue on such terms as it thinks fit ( s 285(2) ) .
18 The affidavit must verify that the defendant falls within the categories in Ord 29 , r11(2) and the amount of the damages to which the application relates and contain enough information to enable the master or district judge to reach a preliminary valuation of the claim ( because he has got to order a part of it to be paid to the plaintiff ) .
19 The principles as civil proceedings and the topic is now run by it goes on and that mainly deals with criminal material and then one can pick it up at paragraph thirty two er seventeen when er the authors addressed themselves to civil proceedings er and that er following passage deals with effects of the civil evidence act and the relevant procedures and then moving on my Lord to er to in fact , thirty two thirty nine on page eighty hundred and twenty nine the expert has furnished the judge or jury with the necessary scientific criteria for testing the accuracy of her conclusion so that to enable the judge or jury to perform their own independent judgement by the application of these criteria to the facts proved in evidence .
20 Provided that there shall at all times [ during the Shop Opening Hours ] be full and sufficient common parts to enable the Tenant or any undertenant to carry on its normal business at the Premises
21 He concluded , however , that it was not a necessary precondition of a restitutionary order under section 6(2) or of a remedial order under section 61(1) that the person against whom the order was made , whether the contravener or the person ‘ knowingly concerned ’ in the contravention , should have received the money or property ordered to be restored to the investor .
22 If there are any queries on that you have n't erm received the money or anything just get back to us and er we 'll
23 No sooner has the smiling executive received the accolade or the happy couple been shown in their glamorous home , than the axe seems to fall , as the high flyer is ousted and the divorce lawyers summoned .
24 You have not received the goods or had your money returned
25 You have not received the goods or had your money returned
26 ‘ I mean , did n't the last husband say something about ‘ Lose the fat or lose me ’ ?
27 That 's it because what you well you either hold on to the first five or six and then you lose the rest or sometimes you remember the beginning and the end and you lose the bit in the middle , ah .
28 Instead of hell , God might consign the impenitent or spiritually immature or those ignorant of him to another round of earthly life .
29 When Endill was n't building the catapult or doing his schoolwork , he explored further and further into the corridors .
30 ‘ He has played no part in either building the party or campaigning for it for four years now . ’
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