Example sentences of "[verb] of [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 To write of male artisans is tautologous .
2 Chemical company fined twice for polluting of Irish Sea
3 I think both have a place in the world , but I see Metropolitan Area technology used for connecting different types of data network , with Asynchronous Transfer Mode for internetworking of broadband networks . ’
4 That would mean perhaps engines might be designed of ceramic materials so you could , conceivably see engine development along new lines , and in fact there are some designs already which do incorporate ceramic materials which will withstand the higher temperatures .
5 It was agreed to halt all depositing of industrial waste in international waters by 1995 , including sub-seabed disposal of nuclear waste .
6 The 43 nations attending the week long London Dumping Convention eventually agreed to end all depositing of industrial waste at sea by 1995 .
7 Others drifted on , passed the squeeze-box man and the charity collectors , to the girl in black brogues and red ribbons wailing of lost love and wicked soldiers .
8 Many years ago the workforce was predominately male but with the greater use of automation and assembling of sub-assembly-type work , female workers form a greater proportion of the total than , say , 50 years ago .
9 What did they know of real life ?
10 However , we should know of certain techniques that are appropriate to the kind of furniture we make .
11 Of course , the fee charged will probably be greater as a result because the freelance programmer might have envisaged making use of the program elsewhere ; he may know of other businesses which would be interested in what he produces .
12 Charlemagne had begun with the clergy , encouraging them to learn and write correct Latin for the liturgy ; two generations later , the lay elite in Charles 's kingdom used writing in several different forms , from books of private prayer to family archives , while many laypeople of lesser rank wanted documents as evidence of their own property claims and legal status .
13 Tasks requiring understanding of negative numbers produced success rates around 30 per cent both for representation on a number line and for the question below : The presence of the diagrams allows the pupil to count to find the answer or to check an answer reached by computation .
14 His big frame , slightly unkempt , thinning blond hair and florid appearance smacked of outdoor activity and a ‘ hearty ’ attitude .
15 To Nikon 's opponents , however , the changes not only smacked of foreign heresy but seemed to threaten the whole meaning of the liturgy , to break the link between the service and the faith .
16 You can rid of deodorant stains by making a paste out of bicarbonate or soda and salt and applying this to the stain for 15 , minutes or soak the garment in a biological detergent .
17 A barking ‘ kyak , kyak , kyak ’ , like yapping of small dog , less shrill and more resounding than similar call of Lesser Spotted .
18 Over half the exhibitors were in their thirties and forties , an age that was becoming of increasing significance to the Prince .
19 This information is increasingly becoming of local nature , C C T and L M S make it difficult for our national research department to deal with local issues .
20 Many women with no desire to reject the social round and daily duties expected of middle class wives , but who still deplored idleness as the antithesis of duty , often made an explicit link between their idea of duty and their spiritual responsibilities .
21 On the technical side , the outcome may well be some way from what would be expected of perfect contestability , even if the assumptions approximate to the conditions I have outlined .
22 What causes most distress , however , is not the total number of hours but the inappropriate work expected of junior doctors during this time .
23 Nevertheless , the differences in fit from what would be expected of multifactorial inheritance are small and the pattern of familial aggregation indicative of a recessive influence ( with affected sibling pairs predominating over parent-offspring pairs ) could have occurred for other reasons , as discussed below .
24 Perhaps part of the problem is that far too much has been expected of positivist criminology or , alternatively , positivist criminologists have been responsible for fostering too grandiose expectations .
25 This was partly to save money ( since an ambassador had to live in a style and with an expense which was not expected of lesser mortals ) and partly to minimise the risk of quarrels over precedence .
26 John Lee , M.P. , made a similar point : ‘ This is , above all , an intimate field of emotional human relationships where rationality is not always to be expected of human beings .
27 By 1980 the succession of troubles along the Iran-Iraq border , combined with uncertainty as to the international behaviour to be expected of post-revolutionary Iran , was provoking a good deal of disquiet in the outside world , particularly among the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development ( OECD ) states .
28 The Alliance and its supporters busied themselves in rates and exposes of socialist malpractice .
29 In Iran , the regime that replaced the Shah appears as militantly Islamic ( and , in theory , internationalist , for Shi-ism acknowledges no secular boundaries ) , and yet is more easily seen as the spearhead of Iranian nationalism .
30 They became the spearhead of political disaffection which was usually manifested in , the form of strikes .
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