Example sentences of "[verb] the national [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In Britain it is the curriculum which bears the main burden of transmitting the national idea .
2 In addition , the conference was forced to accept the need to organize a campaign to compel the National government to drop its policy of non-intervention , an action which led to the formation of the Spain Campaign Committee .
3 The government also stressed its record of liberalizing the economy and five years of continuous growth , while Labour claimed that it had mismanaged the public finances by allowing the national debt to double .
4 The Maoist Sendero Luminoso guerrilla group sabotaged the national electricity grid on April 6 .
5 The government has introduced new restrictions on the use of national park land in the event of privatisation but Opposition , and some Conservative , MPs believe that tougher planning controls are needed to enable the national park authorities to block damaging development .
6 Many were reportedly angered by the Amir 's decision to restore the National Council despite their request not to do so at a meeting on May 28 between opposition leaders and government ministers .
7 Birmingham is still famed for its vision and enterprise building the National Exhibition Centre ( NEC ) , the International Convention Centre ( ICC ) , the beautiful new open space outside it — Centenary Square — and the National Indoor Arena ( NIA ) for sport .
8 President Clinton 's plans to bolster US industry — particularly the high tech sector , begin to look disturbingly corporatist , and the chief executive of the Baby Bells ' Bell Communications Research , George Heilmeier , seems to feel the same way : he told Reuter that the government should certainly spur industry to construct a national information highway but it should not build it itself : ‘ I do n't think the public sector should operate or control networks that are commercial , ’ he said , ‘ I am not in favour of the government building the national information infrastructure . ’
9 The existence of a comfort letter would therefore oblige the national court at least to consult the Commission and ultimately to stay proceedings or take interim measures while the Commission granted an exemption .
10 So long as no one plays the National Anthem , he 'll be fine .
11 3 The professors just characterised could not so influence the national press without the tacit cooperation of many of the scholars who study , and the merchants who sell , tests .
12 However , its sale plan has been halted by a court action over the trusteeship of the collection and has already provoked the National Art Collections into stripping it of a grant .
13 At least Dunwoody made the National field .
14 But it made the national press because Arthur was up there and there was a bit of shouting and scuffling .
15 Labour made the National Health Service a major issue , and considerable media debate arose after a Labour party political broadcast on March 24 featuring the plight of a young girl needing specialist hospital treatment .
16 What kind of people owned the national press ?
17 Who , then , owned the national press in 1945 ?
18 We could learn from the American experience of using the National Guard not only to help with civil disasters but also with drug enforcement , which are both areas in which we can not have too much help , provided that it is properly directed and properly trained .
19 For our own 25th Anniversary celebrations at the Royal Albert Hall in 1978 Cicely produced a most imaginative programme using the National Display Team to link together a number of items depicting the history of Medau Rhythmic Movement .
20 Research grants were worked out using the national research ratings published by the University Funding Council last year .
21 TONIGHT The Royal Geographical Society in Kensington hosts the first in a series of lectures to promote the National Trust of Scotland in the south of England .
22 His successor was Sir Clive Wigram , who in June 1931 attended another dinner , this time given by a South African millionaire , Sir Abe Bailey , to promote the National Government conception .
23 Given the national publicity surrounding that school and the instability and chaos there , what procedure exists for schools that lose or have removed from them their grant-maintained status ?
24 Unesco 's proposals for helping the National Library are also of interest : one suggestion is to connect the library 's book stores by satellite with the information network in other countries .
25 At the Free Church Council 's meeting an address of congratulation to Queen Victoria was adopted after which delegates sprang to their feet and burst into singing the National Anthem .
26 Singing the national anthem they pushed John through the streets , finally dumping him in the Town Mill pond .
27 ENGLAND 'S players will be denied the chance of pumping themselves up by singing the national anthem on the pitch before Saturday 's Test against South Africa at Twickenham .
28 When the police ordered him to end it , he complied at once , his half-dozen supporters singing the National Anthem as they invariably did at the conclusion of their gatherings .
29 They include things like singing the national anthem , knowing the points of the compass , tying and addressing a parcel and knowing how to use a telephone .
30 It tried to injunct the newspaper , on the ground that the papers contained military and diplomatic secrets , the disclosure of which would substantially damage the national interest .
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