Example sentences of "[verb] only to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 If a power of appointment , either in law or in fact , is vested in trade unions , the effect is not only to arrogate to them rights attaching only to ownership , but to establish them in this particular matter as the constitutional equals of Parliament .
2 They made a gallant array next morning as they marched off from the Burgh Muir in great companies , cavalry and infantry , banners and standards waving , heraldic surcoats colourful , armour glinting in the early morning sunlight , trumpets blowing ; but Ramsay reminded himself that Mar 's army had looked fully as fine and had marched only to disaster .
3 For Ohmann , style belongs only to level ( B ) , whereas for Halliday style can be located in ( A ) , ( B ) , and ( C ) .
4 Attempts to protect the American economy by raising tariff rates , as in the Hawley-Smoot tariff of 1930 , led only to retaliation by other countries against American goods .
5 But he was able to anticipate that objection by suggesting that the prohibition applied only to knowledge sought in self-aggrandizement , not to that which was of service to humanity .
6 US State Department officials quoted in the Washington Post of March 7 , however , defended the administration 's decision , claiming that the Pressler Amendment applied only to government aid .
7 By a letter dated 23 October 1991 they stated that they did not intend to intervene or be heard and that , since the paragraph applied only to disclosure by the defendants in compliance with the order it would not prevent them from using any material which they had already obtained or which they might obtain independently .
8 This extended period , however , applied only to airforce personnel and equipment .
9 The disability discrimination provisions of the federal Rehabilitation Act 1973 were modelled upon the sex and race discrimination measures of Title VII in the Civil Rights Act 1964 , but applied only to employment by the federal government , by federal contractors and by employers in federally-financed programmes and activities .
10 The SPF system refers only to protection from UVB rays , but this year a star rating system has been introduced which also categorizes sun products according to their UVA protection .
11 ( The phrase ‘ suitable applicants ’ refers only to ability and motivation . )
12 For example , G above refers only to government consumption expenditure rather than all government expenditure , which would also include spending on fixed assets ; this item is in fact included under gross domestic fixed capital formation .
13 It refers only to university graduates , whom some employers may assume ( partly on the basis of A level grades ) to be more ‘ able ’ than polytechnic or college ones , and for whom therefore the ‘ screening for ability ’ function of a degree for general graduate employment may be relatively more important ( Gordon 1983 ) .
14 Consideration has so far been given only to family situations of legal , or what has become known as common-law marriage and to sexual elements of marriage in our indigenous culture .
15 Sandeep , used only to life in a Bombay high-rise , is hypnotised by the daily rituals going on around him — his aunt rubbing oil into her black hair , his uncle retiring to the lavatory with an ashtray , a newspaper and a pair of reading glasses .
16 The pension cost assessed on the basis of actuarial advice and charged in the accounts relating only to Scheme 1 was £4 million [ 1991 £2 million ] .
17 NB In spite of our attempt to seek information relating only to time spent on specific work on the nature of language and its role in the world , it was clear that many respondents considered that any course on ( e.g. ) language teaching methods or reading methods was entirely ‘ about ’ language .
18 To dwell upon the problem emotions of others is frowned upon as ‘ morbid curiosity ’ , likely to lead only to highlighting and prolonging them , thereby causing unnecessary pain .
19 As the war progressed Hitler tended to listen only to advice that agreed with his own views and no one was willing to disagree with him .
20 Two problems are thus solved at once : it becomes clear that terminology does not refer only to grammar , and the reasons for the terminology come before the terminology itself .
21 Some build up a sense of foreboding that is either confirmed or denied , some make us laugh all the way through , some seem written only to outrage .
22 When a behaviourist approach is employed , it is not applied only to perception , but to all cognitive states .
23 Network stations should be upgraded only to DOS 5 .
24 Is it envisaged as a calculating device , a mathematical model geared only to prediction ?
25 Miss Roybal-Allard originally wanted the ban to apply only to divorce , probate and child-custody cases .
26 This is offered only to Institute members for any of the titles published by Executive Grapevine .
27 The ratings are only approximate and even where manufacturers quote a temperature as ‘ good down to … ’ these refer only to valley performances so camping at higher levels will require a warmer bag .
28 And these problems are not restricted only to life in Britain , the USA and the rest of the Western world .
29 Another property , concatenation , arises when we can add measures together : a feature which attaches only to ratio scales .
30 As discussed in Chapter 1 , the total ban , in the case of non-consumer transactions applies only to liability for death or personal injury ( UCTA 1977 , s 2(1) ) and liability for breach of the implied warranties of good title and quiet possession implied by the SGA and the SGSA ( UCTA 1977 , ss 6(1) and 7(3A) ) .
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