Example sentences of "[verb] me to my " in BNC.

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1 ‘ No need to see me to my room , Alec , ’ she said , reaching for the candlestick .
2 The Fat Controller was helping me to my feet .
3 And that annoyed me enough to drive me to my cabin , to clean myself up and choose fresh clothing .
4 ‘ On another occasion a taxi driver wanted $5 to drive me to my hotel … which we could both see quite clearly a few hundred yards away ! ’
5 It 's better when you send me to my room when I 'm naughty .
6 But even people who are concerned about me say things which seem to be complimentary ; a teacher remarks that I have become ‘ a sylph ’ lately , Mum defends me to my grandma as ‘ naturally slender ’ , and Dad makes jokes about my skinny legs — reassuring jokes , the sort he used to make when I was little , before I became ‘ a young woman ’ and embarrassing to him .
7 Nathan helped me to my feet and very cautiously picked a way up through the boulders and small crags towards the road .
8 Otley said as he helped me to my feet .
9 In the end I was again rescued by the housekeeper , Zillah , who ordered away the dogs and helped me to my feet .
10 They did n't chase my assailants but helped me to my feet , solicitously enquiring after my health .
11 Jamie helped me to my feet .
12 ‘ It eats me to my bones . ’
13 ‘ Thomas , that night in the car , when you drove me to my brother 's , you showed me your … ’
14 She identified the accused as her attacker and said : ‘ Afterwards he drove me to my home in Alloa .
15 I am just an ordinary Daleswoman and if I began to think or act otherwise I know a few people around here who would soon bring me to my senses .
16 And with that he bent over and lifted me to my feet and told me to be off , which I did not need to be told twice to do .
17 The shout startled me to my feet .
18 Andy shows me to my room , a floor down , at about four in the morning .
19 This notion shook me to my roots — I 'd mess up my new safety boots , And what about the donkey jacket ?
20 ‘ I told 'em about you an' the money lender but I did n't know they were gooin' to snowball yer , ’ she said , pulling me to my feet .
21 Even prettier was the petite brunette of about seventeen who showed me to my room .
22 She showed me to my rooms and called my attention to a postcard on the mantlepiece from my tutor …
23 Cold and tired , I was met by a colleague who showed me to my hotel where , later , I slept long and sound .
24 This leads me to my only criticism of Potter 's version , its extravagance .
25 It also offers superior distortion sounds , which leads me to my conclusion that if it 's just a simple , workable sound processor you 're looking for , with the least financial outlay , then the ME-6 will do the job .
26 When this government talks about safety nets for those in need , I tend to look six inches below ground level to find it often the G M B is the only safety net above the ground which leads me to my second word we do this because we care we care about our country our economy , and our people .
27 And that really leads me up er leads me to my final point which I think it is essential to plan for success with this new settlement .
28 He can make you believe you are the only woman on earth for him , and only a Frenchman out of all the men in the world could look at me and tell me to my face that I am beautiful .
29 Tell me to my face . ’
30 ‘ Now , tell me to my face that you do n't want to come with me . ’
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