Example sentences of "[verb] about [prep] this " in BNC.

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1 So I started there and they put me on a month 's trial and I dithered about about this month , whether I was good enough , and they 'd forgotten all about it , by the end of month , trial .
2 Not something I want to talk about at this moment .
3 Fortunately , the good citizens of Geneva had enough else to think about at this juncture .
4 My sister , younger than me , with children of her own and perhaps thereby with a clearer measure of what we lacked , reminds me of a mother who never played with us , whose eruptions from irritation into violence were the most terrifying of experiences , and she is there , the figure of nightmares , though I do find it difficult to think about in this way .
5 Accounting for the use of this form in any context will always imply relating the particular meaning actualized in the context to the permanent potential significate postulated for it in tongue , and will consequently involve : ( 1 ) showing that the common denominator of a before/after sequence is present ( the constant element evoked by to ) , and ( 2 ) showing how the speaker has fit the particular experience he is talking about into this potential by intercepting the operation of actualizing it at the appropriate moment ( the variable element expressed by to ) .
6 And finally , surely at this present moment , only four miles east of Harrogate and about three miles east of Ripon the A s A one is at this very moment in time being lifted to an acceptable standard A motorway standard at this stage and not in the year two thousand which is what you 're talking about for this road .
7 And then she read , in a copy of The Stage that happened to be turned in her direction , a paragraph about him which made it clear that the wife whom he was talking about in this present tense had died a year ago , and that he had had a row of flops in London .
8 Yes now what I meant was that , that erm in a group like this , the the th th the leader or the leadership role may be relatively minimal and the individualism of the members may be relevant , but I hope it was cos I I think it 's a mistake for class in groups and that so one would hope in this kind of group , the individual variation would be so important that these kind of group phenomena that Freud is talking about in this book but clearly in other groups they 're they 're more important , partly because you can never organize a group by kind of having a meeting with everybody .
9 all the consultation that also talks about in this paper is met with the two centres , the management committee of Highfields youth and commune centre and also the users of the Moat Centre and I think in light of everything that 's gone on I think it 's substantially a success to stand here and say that we have at least achieved some result and I I formally would welcome the Libs supporting this this afternoon and I 'm grateful for the turn that the Libs have made and in light of er what er Mr the involvement Mr has put in .
10 You have to be careful about what you care about in this world .
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