Example sentences of "[verb] him for [art] " in BNC.

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31 Britain 's golden boy who lost his shine when newcomer David Grindley beat him for the final place in today 's 400 metres final is ready to take a year off from the track if it means he can beat the trouble .
32 It was in 1977 and ‘ 78 that McEvoy won this title before Ronan Rafferty beat him for the first ( and only ) time in nearly 30 matches for England .
33 " Oh , that 's you , Fiver , is it ? " said Bigwig , noticing him for the first time .
34 A furtive junior diplomat bowing and scraping his way out of the interview section of the Lefortovo , ogling the KGB man and thanking him for a fifteen-minute access to a prisoner for whom the key was now thrown far away .
35 She intended to plead her own nervousness and her desire not to be destined for public exhibition and planned to finish by thanking him for the compliment of his request and wishing him well in finding a more practised model .
36 He has dedicated his entire career to the development of sport in Scotland and I am sure all Council members will want to join me in thanking him for the commitment he has shown over the years . ’
37 In 1954 the publishing firm Methuen approached him for a Christmas card , as did the National Marriage Guidance Council , the latter printing 6,700 copies of his design .
38 After it had trapped him for the third time , he ordered all the cages to be thrown into the sea .
39 Kevin detained him for a moment .
40 Prison officials , concerned about his poor health , referred him for a medical examination which confirmed widespread injuries , including marks around the wrist , apparently caused by the hanging , and burns ‘ possibly caused by electrical current . ’
41 In a negligence suit brought against him Mr Hill wanted to sue his employer to indemnify him for the damages he had to pay out to Mr Gregory .
42 He never saw the rope that would hang him for the noose was concealed in the hem of the white hood that the hangman drew over his head with the usual gentle suggestion that AIbert Pierrepoint reserved for these occasions .
43 " endeavour to find out a person both to answer to their expectation and those of the Town , and … to superintend and assist him for a while . "
44 It was a nice face and , other things being equal , she would have responded to that first , she had been wanting to get to know him for a long time .
45 Her eyes beseeched him for the truth .
46 Palottino had no answer to that , any more than Zen himself , though the question had tormented him for the whole drive back to Perugia .
47 He pounced on the Scottish selectors for not picking him for the 4 × 100 metres relay team for Edinburgh and , so it said in one of the tabloids , he was now ready to meet Linford Christie .
48 The name seemed to halt him for a moment , but when his hands were again moving over her , the scream she let out crying , ‘ Mother !
49 He said our flight had been delayed and he 'd spent the time in the bar , and then added , rather unconvincingly , that some woman had insisted on ‘ plying Phaeton with liquor ’ as he put it , but there was a hollowness in the way he said it , and I do n't think either Gill or I believed him for a moment .
50 ‘ He feels as if you played him for a fool .
51 So much happening here at the moment as the ball was followed up by David he looked at the referee as er challenge him for the er shove inside the penalty area but the referee was unimpressed by that , Blackburn have already got one penalty here tonight from which they 've scored , Shrewsbury have scored from a penalty too and it 's the third division side still in the lead here by three goals to two .
52 To cover the fact that she had far too many feelings altogether , she ignored him for the first part of the morning .
53 ‘ We do n't want you to be neglected , ’ I told him for the umptieth time .
54 ‘ Not today , thank you , ’ I told him for the umptieth time .
55 Fraulein Winkelmann told him for the Good God 's sake to get the papers fast , and Bruno went away and came back and pointed the Luger yet again .
56 And he looks a lot better for the change , although I have to tell you that by the time I had grilled him for an hour and tested him out on the snooker table I did notice that he reached for a cigarette .
57 His great-uncle took Charles under his wing and prepared him for the job ahead .
58 His father had named him for the Mughal Babur , a conqueror , a hard drinking , hard riding Turk who loved poetry , laughter and gardens .
59 Middlesex , who fined him around £750 for a foul-mouthed outburst earlier in the season , immediately dropped him for the game against Hampshire .
60 ‘ You dropped him for the Prime Minister . ’
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