Example sentences of "[verb] into the water " in BNC.

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1 Thus , there is some degree of selfdetermination in the ship case because we are free to shut our eyes , to cross the river and see it move from right to left , free to jump into the water and watch it coming towards us , free to determine the speed with which it passes across our visual field by moving our eyes with or against its movement .
2 The most exciting part was when we had to jump into the water from a 12ft high board .
3 And he would run down to the canal , leap into the water , and splash and frolic to his heart 's content .
4 Normally when you start water-skiing , you are lying in the water with your skis up in the air and the boat goes slowly away and you slowly come up , but this was like being catapulted into the water .
5 She watched him dive , slicing into the water like a knife , and then continue in a powerful crawl which took him towards the centre of the lake .
6 Then Hatton had rolled into the water .
7 But if you think this is bloody " — and he laughed his hacking tubercular laugh " our ancestors would n't think of going to sea in a new prahu which had n't first been rolled into the water over the living bodies of seven women in their first pregnancy !
8 ‘ — And sank into the water 's depth ,
9 It comes from springs in the hills above Malvern , and as these are granite , little of their composition dissolves into the water so it is very low in minerals .
10 Then on 22 July someone rang Roberts anonymously and told him that a lorry-load of aluminium sulphate had been tipped into the water supply .
11 He lies in the bath scented , marinated by the little sachets and ampoules of emollients he has tipped into the water .
12 What happens is that both the priests get tipped into the water , one of them hits his head on a rock and the other one rescues him .
13 It was into this barrow , under cover of the night , at about seven p.m. , that the body was put , covered with plastic sacks , themselves in turn covered with a fair sprinkling of autumn leaves , before being wheeled across the low wooden bridge there , across a well-worn path through the field , and across to the swiftly flowing current of the River Cherwell , where unceremoniously the body was tipped into the water .
14 Paying passengers who clung to the railings of the MS Waldstatten as the explosive charges were detonated felt scarcely a ripple as debris dropped into the water .
15 They react to a chemical present in starfish and will perform equally amazing gyrations if a piece of crushed starfish is dropped into the water .
16 If cement has dropped into the water during construction work , the pool must be emptied and re-filled before planting and stocking with fish .
17 A large fish on his or my line was always an occasion for excitement for Edwy and he would jump into the water with his gaff if he thought it the only way to land it .
18 All items were dumped together ( in such a position as they should not fall into the water ) .
19 Try to do this early so they do not fall into the water .
20 Immediately the archer fish has fired , it swims rapidly to the point where its prey will fall into the water , ready to catch and eat it .
21 The eggs will adhere to a coarse-textured surface until hatching ; if a smooth surface is used they may fall into the water , where they will not hatch .
22 Children play on the bridge and could easily fall into the water . ’
23 As soon as they mount , he dashes into the water — at best he will give them a ducking , at worst he will drown and then eat them .
24 It was from there , on 28 March 1941 , that she took her last walk down to the River Ouse and waded into the water .
25 As they descend , the female extrudes a few eggs which are immediately fertilised by the male 's sperms that have been discharged into the water at the same time .
26 G. suspects that there may be sugar being discharged into the water .
27 At Sprinkling Tarn we staggered into the water and must have drunk gallons before we felt lubricated !
28 A lowering of the water temperature , especially with the influx of dissolved oxygen the east wind is thrashing into the water , can be a good thing .
29 Young men leap past us from the roof above , splashing into the water to catch up with their canoes , beer bottles held aloft .
30 Oxygen is absorbed into the water by surface movement , where a gaseous exchange takes place releasing carbon dioxide and absorbing oxygen .
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