Example sentences of "[verb] into the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The Duveen Galleries are basically a large hallway formed by three separate but continuous rooms strung out in a line , which empty into the side galleries to the right and left .
2 The Department of the Environment ( DoE , the central government department with overall responsibility for local government in England ) was , he says , trapped into the position of being both the advocate of local services within the centre and the guardian of the purse-strings as far as local government was concerned ( in that respect the Secretary of State acted as a sort of ‘ mini chancellor ’ ) ( Rhodes , 1986 , p. 238 ) .
3 Remember that the weaving yarn is only trapped into the fabric when the needle selection changes , so floats are formed when there are long blocks of both selected and unselected needles .
4 That 's why everyone and their brother , DEC , HP and Sun , are all crowding into the week of November 10 for their anticipated launches , with the added expectation of getting coverage at Comdex Fall in Las Vegas the following week .
5 More children were crowding into the junction ahead .
6 He turned to the other staff officers who were crowding into the room .
7 However , Liberal Democrats believe that the cabinet is already too large and that such a proposal risks sweeping the issues that need to be addressed into the corner .
8 A couple of minutes later Chatterton zimmered into the room .
9 It is probable , however , that imports of fur from certain species caught in such traps in non-member countries will be permitted into the community until 1995 .
10 It is not hard to see how permission can be conceived as something which throws the action permitted into the future : one generally gets permission first and then performs the action permitted after .
11 We were grabbed suddenly and hustled into the dancing light .
12 He allowed himself to be hustled into the background of affairs by men with narrower views and nearer objectives . "
13 All the family felt that Stephen had been hustled into the engagement by Claire , who was a hard , devious girl , and were relieved when it was broken when he returned from Newcastle .
14 And we get songs that people send into the office and once in a while we 'll come up with something that somebody just sends us .
15 We presume that those patients who manifested HBV in the allograft within day of transplantation acquired it from virus shed into the blood stream before or during the operation .
16 Her shoes oozed into the ground and , as the breeze sliced through her light coat , she shivered .
17 Willie was soon forgotten , and became mixed into the group again .
18 Internal sizes are mixed into the vat with all the other ingredients at the pulp stage of the papermaking process .
19 This is because the two components are so close together that they almost touch , and presumably gravitational strains mean that each is distorted into the shape of an egg .
20 The logical path intended to be a-d may also fail to generate a solution and become distorted into the path a-e-f , returning to the failure level of the catastrophe surface .
21 The original seven dwellings to the acre had been raised in Britain to around seventeen , at which density ‘ culs-de-sac and walkways , cars and garages did not merge into the landscape so happily . ' ’
22 Over evolutionary time it will cease to be a parasite , will cooperate with the host , and may eventually merge into the host 's tissues and become unrecognizable as a parasite at all .
23 As I have already suggested , the stylistics of representation may merge into the view of style as manner , and Spitzer 's own work does move between the two categories .
24 Could merge into the neck like a short back and sides .
25 Rachel has unpacked into the dressing table , and I like to think of her things and mine sharing the furniture .
26 When everyone was occupied she would waft into the room and over to the cradle , to peer quietly into it and then , satisfied that the baby was safe and well , to slip in behind the door .
27 Colour seeped into the scene like turning up the control on TV .
28 The programme highlighted the importance of providing an effective ‘ vapour barrier ’ ( usually a skin of plastic sheeting ) behind the internal plasterboard surface — if moisture from inside the home seeped into the cavity it could rot the timber frame .
29 It took 11 firemen almost half an hour to bring the blaze under control and bingo players had to be evacuated as smoke seeped into the auditorium of the Mecca Social Club , next door .
30 could include the mounting hardware fixing centres , so these would be designed into the artwork to begin with .
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