Example sentences of "[verb] into the same " in BNC.

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1 Thus whether the would-be efficient entrepreneur rises from the informal sector or parachutes into a larger-scale enterprise with a degree from an international business school , he will frequently be trapped into the same style of running a business as the Nigerian enterpreneurs described above .
2 Widow Mary Todd , 64 , met Bill Raisbeck six months ago when she moved into the same sheltered housing scheme at Thornaby , Cleveland .
3 Even politics , philosophy and science come into the same category .
4 because it 's all rolled into the same thing .
5 I 'm determined that Constance wo n't fall into the same trap . ’
6 I trust that I will not fall into the same trap !
7 But with understanding had come a growing determination that she would never fall into the same trap — would never allow herself to be ruled by a foolish , hoping heart .
8 It was early yet , she noted , and , feeling in no hurry to start a day that might well fall into the same luckless category as yesterday and the day before and the day before that , she sat up and leant against the headboard .
9 To some extent the Dutch and the New Zealanders , with their lamb , must fall into the same category .
10 Even the innocent term ‘ support teacher ’ has the potential to lead into the same trap .
11 This is a two-box player , seemingly built into the same size of compact box used by Linn Products for its other up-market hi-fi machinery ; they each measure 32x32x8cm , which is an unusual but practical and attractive size .
12 We cut into the same ventricle twice , believing we 'd found the other one .
13 History is the realm of violence and war ; it constitutes another form by which the other is appropriated into the same .
14 Many other desiderata of the socialist revolution came into the same category , but women 's education was of particular interest because it ran counter to widespread expectations shared by most men and probably most women .
15 Zarathustra declared that at death God passes judgement on man and that this decides his fate when the world is finally transformed into the same state of perfection as when it left the hands of the Creator .
16 Some Sutton pupils expressed worries about being picked on by the ‘ bigger ones ’ and were concerned about going into the same playground .
17 At this school exchange , however , my mother met another woman , who had a daughter there , who , miraculously , was going into the same class as me !
18 Whole families were crammed into the same space as I had myself .
19 A pre-tax income measured on the horizontal axis would convert into the same amount of post-tax income measured on the vertical axis .
20 We have been warning ever since the company was formed of the accident at the heart of the company waiting to happen : now IBM 's signalling of the death of the mainframe coincides with the German economy heading into the same kind of structural — rather than cyclical — recession that is busy laying waste to IBM itself .
21 But he too would run into the same problems .
22 While early agreement in principle on the agency is likely , the actual launching of the agency may run into the same difficulties that have beset the European Environment Agency — this has been stalled for more than a year in an acrimonious ‘ who-gets-what ’ dispute over the sharing-out of the prestige , finance and jobs that flow from ‘ hosting ’ EC institutions .
23 Where there are third parties who need to be involved in resolving a dispute , expert determination will run into the same problems as multi-party disputes when attempts are made to submit them all to arbitration together : see Mustill and Boyd , pp143-4 .
24 Yeah but they were all fixed up to go into the same envelope sort of thing .
25 The rapist got into the same carriage and followed her from Hillingdon station , Middx .
26 Lithuania is dependent for its oil supplies on Russia but has been plunged into the same economic crisis as its neighbour by the collapse of the communist system .
27 This year we have decided to dovetail into the same period as the York Festival and Mystery Plays to offer you an opportunity to experience the remarkable cycle of York plays alongside the Early Music Festival .
28 As previously proposed , the MeVal11 side chain fits into the same hydrophobic pocket as the Pro ring of the substrate , and the MeVal11 C α- C ’ bond of CsA is superimposable on the N-C' bond of the substrate that isomerizes .
29 Images captured from TV , sent back from space , or more prosaically produced by a document scanner , are likely to fall into the same category .
30 I knew that I was fearful of describing the girls I 'd met , because I did n't want to fall into the same traps and judgements we had been talking about ; on the other hand , I was not being totally honest in leaving out their descriptions , because in fact how they looked interested me very much .
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