Example sentences of "[verb] into [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The energy and excitement that music videos have caused in a young audience has to be consumated into musical film . ’
2 ‘ I should have thought , ’ said Charlotte , trapped into genuine interest and speculation , ‘ that they 'd have built just a little further from the river .
3 But the paper added : ‘ It is also right that people should not be forced to work into old age in jobs that may , on the one hand , impose physical or mental demands which are beyond their capacity or , on the other , be boring and repetitive . ’
4 As the death toll mounted , and the futility of the war of attrition on the Western Front seeped into public consciousness , the pacifists moved onto the offensive .
5 Inevitably , in time , some of the progressive ideas being put forward seeped into public consciousness .
6 Now the rattle and roar of the tube faded abruptly as it surfaced into bright sunlight .
7 As it flopped its way forward , the vulnerable underside came down on the ring just as the mini-grenade in the stone erupted into satisfying flame .
8 Tensions between ethnic groups in Sind ( see pp. 37150-51 ) again erupted into major violence on Oct. 1 , 1989 , when members of the extremist Sind National Alliance ( SNA ) , demanding independence for the province , occupied Sukkar airport and burnt the Pakistani flag .
9 Frustration in urban areas over the first round defeat of the main opposition Democratic Party ( DP ) erupted into anti-communist rioting on the morning of April 2 in the northern city of Shkodër .
10 The conditions of service , the harshness of the environment , the atrocious difficulties associated with travel and food supplies , the ravages of scurvy , and the son of men who went out in search of new lands for the tsar , all contributed to the tense atmosphere which sometimes erupted into bloody conflict .
11 In 1937 Sino-Japanese friction erupted into full-scale war , but even this failed to rally much more than token support for China in the West .
12 From time to time the tensions of clerical dualism erupted into fierce controversy , but in 1341 at least the eruption resulted in no marked shift in clergy-laity relations , not even with regard to the employment of clerical ministers by the crown .
13 Let us expurgate from the immaturity of our environmental thought , that essence of crepuscular darkness which our sciolism leads us to extrapolate into quotidian existence .
14 Looking over the abyss of infinite possibility , they find it easy to slip into endless striving and pursuit of whatever is , at that moment , desired .
15 I find it difficult to conceive how an international hospital with a high with a highly regarded professional staff can be allowed to slip into terminal decline .
16 Although he was still away fairly often , visiting the mills in Leeds and Bradford which provided the bulk of his income , he was more relaxed now that he felt that he was mastering the intricacies of the various businesses which had been allowed to slip into low productivity during his father 's ill-health .
17 One of the dangers of the position , however , is that it 's very easy to slip into full authority — which is a " con " that children can see through all too easily .
18 ' ’ Giulia is old now and papa has persuaded himself that he is ; he has allowed himself to slip into old age .
19 Where the spectral bands making up the multispectral TM or MSS image are highly correlated then more of the information contained in the multispectral image will be compressed into principal component 1 than would be the case if the intercorrelations among the bands were low .
20 In the M-form enterprise , in contrast , the company is organised into separate product divisions , each with responsibility for many of the administrative operations formerly performed by the head office and its sub-offices .
21 2,250 staff working with mentally handicapped people are now organised into multi-disciplinary community mental handicap teams of one kind or another ; almost 1600 professional staff are full-time core members of teams .
22 The Stock Exchange Quotation Department is organised into various listing groups alphabetically according to the name of the listed ( target ) company .
23 Guinness slogans melt into everyday usage .
24 Emmie felt frightened as if she were just going to jump into deep water .
25 ‘ I learned how to jump into shallow water very young .
26 lOb ) , guarantee that further inquiry quickly devolves into open speculation .
27 He was to be found lurking in the band 's dressing room whenever they ventured into Mancunian territory , which was often .
28 He also ventured into musical commerce , and after joining with John Longman as Longman , Clementi & Co. , 1798–1801 , he entered into partnership with F. W. Collard [ q.v. ] and others as music publisher , dealer , and pianoforte maker as Clementi & Co. , 1801–6 .
29 It would seem that the primary activity of operations needs to be split into direct and indirect costs , with the latter analysed into major cost-driver categories as interpreted by Kaplan .
30 Cements are the crystals which grow into existing pore spaces .
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