Example sentences of "[verb] him [prep] last " in BNC.

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1 I 'm glad to meet him at last . ’
2 Marion searched for him in the crowded room , and found him at last , talking to Sue 's dad near the window .
3 ‘ You told him about last night ? ’
4 It 'd be nice to see Stubby again , have n't seen him since last year 's Club dinner . ’
5 Or had Roman told him about last night ?
6 Every time she saw him again after an absence she stood aside humbly , expecting him at last to have reached the age when she was an embarrassment , expecting him to shuffle his feet and colour and do no more than extend a cool hand , and she would have held none of this against him .
7 His mouth met hers and her shocked little gasp turned to a moan of hunger as she closed her eyes and kissed him at last , at last , and the brandy glass fell from her hands , shattering at their feet as her arms went around his neck , her mouth opening hungrily beneath his , her hands in his black hair , her body pressing against his as they clung together with intolerable necessity , unaware of the fragments of glass they trampled as Damian pressed her tighter , tighter until there was not an inch between their bodies .
8 He was just over three hours late to meet his guide , locating him at last on the edge of a ruck of Army drivers , forlorn in Air Force blue .
9 I was in favour of hauling him in last week , but the powers-that-be thought it better to let him remain at large for the time being , in the hope that he might lead us to his employers . ’
10 Her scorn stung him at last .
11 He continued firmly , and Faye relaxed a little , as if half daring to believe him at last .
12 After several attempts he got him at last on a bad telephone line .
13 A conducted tour of the house by the whole family , brought him at last to the top floor where his bedroom was proudly displayed , which , though huge and filled with awesome furniture of hideous elaboration , impressed him less than the meticulous care with which his soldier servant — batman was apparently a naughty word in the Guards — had unpacked his belongings and laid all essentials neatly in the right places .
14 Well we 'll leave him till last if he 's got
15 She saw him at last , but she did n't signal back , she clutched her bag and froze , staring , and the man beside her turned round .
16 ‘ It 's lovely , ’ she answered him at last , in a brisk , matter-of-fact tone that concealed , she hoped , all that she was feeling .
17 ‘ Ah , Thiercelin , ’ said Epitot , spotting him at last .
18 I therefore welcome his belated decision to take part in a full debate and the fact that he is now — I quote him from last week — keen to acknowledge that there is always room for constitutional change .
19 He had no idea , for the letter forced him at last to admit to himself that he knew nothing about his son , that he had lost touch with him , had allowed him over the years to drift further and further away so that now they were virtual strangers .
20 Mark Roe was altogether more scathing about the problem after a first round of 85 which left him in last place in the field .
21 The trouble is his background keeps coming back to haunt him like last night 's sushi .
22 There were many shrewd operators who backed him for last season 's Grand National and they will be doing so again .
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