Example sentences of "[verb] up a long " in BNC.

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1 Eric Pendry himself drew up a long list of recommendations for making these exercises safer .
2 For long-range fishing you can do without the elasticity , for picking up a long length of line and planting a hook is difficult enough without any ‘ give ’ .
3 ( Picking up a long nail . )
4 ‘ This was her school project , ’ he explains , picking up a long computer print-out .
5 There had been windows on the westerly side of the school , but they appeared to have been built up a long time , judging from the appearance of the workmanship on the outside .
6 Since appearing on a BBC Christmas programme from Pebble Mill in 1981 Fine Arts Brass has built up a long and varied list of TV and radio credits , including its own series of light entertainment shows on BBC Radio 4 , now in its third series .
7 So and it can break up a long session it can it can maintain interest .
8 The rod , in order to pick up a long length of sunken line , should be a minimum of 11ft long , and a maximum of 12ft or it becomes unwieldy .
9 His experiments on the nature of lightning were truly pioneering , starting at Marly in France where a dragoon was persuaded to pick up a long brass wire inside a glass bottle which acted as an insulator .
10 The present project constitutes a pilot study after which it is hoped to set up a longer term project to follow up the initial findings .
11 He had drawn up a long list of people she ought to talk to during the day : fashion houses , designers , a couple of artists ' studios , a gallery specializing in contemporary prints .
12 Released from duty and put on the case , Renko builds up a long list of suspects , Zita having slept with most of the crew and possibly some of the flatfish .
13 ‘ I could probably draw up a long list . ’
14 I simply wan na say two things and that is this that within a month if this scheme is to work I believe that the council or the social services committee must draw up a long list of homes which it proposes to close and that long list will be in teams and that must be done not behind closed doors so that people know what is being proposed , we level with people who live in those institutions and they are fully acquainted with our , with our intentions and secondly I think it 's necessary to understand from this programme that it is not just refurbishment programme , it is a refurbishment and closure programme the simple equation being that the money that comes from closures from capital receipts and some revenue savings , actually goes into the rest to refurbish them .
15 From our mooring at the pier , panting in the heat , we walked up a long steep , straight track , which led to the main village where accommodation in private houses was to be allocated ; there were no hotels or pensiones .
16 But a doctor , one of the doctors in the same hospital saying , that the , during the First World War , when they were so desperate , you know , so many casualties , they had to cut short treatment , and they had to bandage men up and leave them bandaged up a long length of , they found it was often better to leave a wound bandaged up in it 's own
17 The bagman-fox , now on home ground , had delayed them by running up a long culvert .
18 Nice , very nice , you went up a long hall toward , as soon as you got er through the doors it was very nice really , quite , quite something for Caldmore anyway .
19 SE5as do not , ’ he brought up a long , curling belch , ‘ wobble . ’
20 Then one of the goats chewed up a long roll of film and swallowed it .
21 We go up a long , but steepish , slope and pause to catch our breath and share the experience .
22 Such a rod casts long and accurately ; picks up a long line without maniacal exertion , and remains soft enough in the tip to retain the necessary shock-absorber effect .
23 Using artificial light to break up a long night into two short ones promotes the flowering of long-day plants and hinders the flowering of short-day ones .
24 She saw him pick up a long strip of heavy material .
25 JOHN BISHOP rounds up a long , eventful season in South Africa
26 Instead was a happy medley of Luke laughing , of taking her hand as they ran up a long flight of grey stone steps towards some vague but wonderful journey 's end .
27 In his anger and frustration , he picked up a long , curved clothes brush and banged it down hard on the surface of the table .
28 The Bishop picked up a long thin parchment-knife and balanced it in a vein-streaked , brown-spotted hand .
29 Then the old man picked up a long piece of wood .
30 He picked up a long knife .
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