Example sentences of "[verb] up the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Thus we can always tell what colour a face should be by looking at its centre , regardless of how mixed up the cube is .
2 The trial judge seems to have mixed up the Caldwell and Cunningham versions of recklessness .
3 But however mixed up the plot may be , there 's no doubting the strength of the music :
4 If we examine their structure , we shall perceive the way in which the wishful purpose that is at work has mixed up the material of which they are built , has rearranged it and formed it into a new whole .
5 He hopes to drum up the support of sympathetic congressmen who blame the law for high fares .
6 Well the problem about , er two two does include , two does include going around drumming up customers , but the difficulty with that is it seems to me that that you 'll need to drum up the customers in year one and only get the money
7 we get on the train at , most of them get on at Elstree luckily so what we do is we open the doors and they 're always crowding up the bit where the door is and they say excuse me may I get on please ?
8 Thirty were to be converted into gun-sloops , by shoring up the bows to accommodate a 24-pounder [ 11-kg gun ] …
9 Hope could picture himself comforting Mrs Crump , shoring up the memory of her husband , praising him , assessing him , recalling ‘ mots ’ , reporting favourable comments , and then in would come the daughter , dressed entirely in black , and he would say , would be forced to say no matter what the consequences were , that the child was like the man .
10 Clearly , the £250,000 reputably spent each year on shoring up the LTA 's publishing ego trip could be much better spend elsewhere .
11 A stupid game dedicated to shoring up the notion that they did not want to play together .
12 On the other hand , the United States carried out a series of crisis measures apparently aimed at shoring up the dollar .
13 On the other , he could have devoted his energies to shoring up the regime 's prestige , authority and ability to maintain order .
14 And the fella that was on it named has , lives up the Goldfinks , he , he 's still alive .
15 The little girl was frightened when she saw her mother being hustled up the aisle towards her .
16 send up the survey to old Hughey , he , he 'll give you a few .
17 three million books on the shelve , and we do n't have time going properly at the price so we go anything you want , bung it on the trolley and soon as the trolleys full it 's taken away and another one given , and you poke around and then in the evening , you stay in a hotel overnight , and then the following morning , they get and you just sort of send up the money and they just shout up the money as we go , then , every time I get to a thousand they say one , two , and you say right , tell me when I get near three , and I 've got this erm , I 'm dreadful at maths , I failed maths O Level three times and I do n't think about prices , I 've never been more than fifteen pounds out .
18 Well we 've had all this trauma about you know , cos I do you , where do you want the he said well do n't see much of daddy or nan and granddad and nana and granddad said they moved in on Christmas Day stay here and Rachael and Steven would n't come up , stay here on Christmas Day , it 's quite likely , quite likely to go with daddy he said but , in many ways I he said I know what we can do is when we send up the chimney we could put nanny 's address , nanny 's address on it , shall we ?
19 She knew where she had got the notion that he could buy up the whole of her street with the petty cash .
20 At last , while the shadow of the ramparts reached quickly over the grass , they gathered up the debris of their afternoon and skipped or ran or walked or grumbled up the slopes to home .
21 Dougal levered up the rectangle of hardwood .
22 The sales conference , held just before the all-important Christmas run-up began , was meant to psych up the sales force for the new line .
23 It is recognized that any programme of improving information management will cost money , in the form of staff and equipment , but any money spent will result in opening up the wealth of our information resources to larger numbers of people .
24 Information technology is playing , and will increasingly continue to play , a major role in opening up the curriculum to people with disabilities .
25 By the time you get all the crew up on the windward rail , which would be in true wind of 10 – 12 knots , you should be flattening the bottom of the main and opening up the leech .
26 Braque , on the other hand , has used Cézanne 's technique of opening up the contours of objects , so that in his paintings the eye slips inwards and upwards from plane to plane without having to make a series of abrupt transitions or adjustments .
27 The abrupt cut can be softened by a lap dissolve , originally done by gradually closing down the iris on the lens ( a fade-out ) , winding back the film and then opening up the iris for the same length of time and film ( a fade-in ) .
28 She also delivered her own populist riposte , opening up the possibility of a referendum on the issue of the introduction of a single European currency .
29 These operate as discursive resources to be drawn upon and articulated in different combinations in particular contexts , thus constantly opening up the possibility of tension , inconsistency and contradiction within and between sites .
30 Blocked negotiations with the unions resumed at the end of January , opening up the possibility of extending the deadline for job losses to the end of 1994 .
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