Example sentences of "[verb] up [art] good " in BNC.

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1 Colonials keeping up a good show , ignoring the riotous jungle around them .
2 Keeping up the good old traditions .
3 Keeping up the good work , they are now holding meetings and demonstrations every six weeks to motivate young people coming into the industry .
4 The right hon. Gentleman ignores the fact that I head a Government who have cut interest rates seven times in the past 12 months , halved inflation in a year and built up the best industrial relations in half a century .
5 You can already manage horses better than any man I know — with the possible exception of Tom here — and you 've picked up a good general knowledge of farming .
6 Gary Shandling , host of the ceremony in Los Angeles , warned the audience after Clapton had picked up the Best Album Grammy : ‘ If you are up in any other categories against Eric Clapton , I would go home now . ’
7 I got to work up a good sweat .
8 Remoteness is still the keynote of this region , but a Charlton reiving party would be hard put to it these days to work up a good gallop along the upper reaches of the North Tyne River .
9 But in a cold , late spring I find it difficult if not impossible to work up a good tilth in time for mangolds .
10 In a cold , late spring it may prove difficult to graze off the rye in time to work up a good tilth for mangolds .
11 As soon as the starter says ‘ Go ’ , ride positively towards the first fence , picking up a good rhythm as soon as possible .
12 She had built up a good little business in the indoor market-hall and now she and George had amassed enough in the bank to set up on a farm of their own .
13 While acknowledging that there were some schools which had built up a good range of resources and had successfully integrated their school library with the teaching and learning taking place in the school , it appeared at this time that many demonstrated one or all of the following basic problems :
14 Those schools which had built up a good resource collection appeared to have allocated additional capitation to the school library or to have raised extra funds from other sources .
15 Three Choirs has built up a good reputation and has proved popular with wine buyers .
16 I put this on the agenda erm the phrase at the moment seems to be flagging things up and my concern is opposite Dave is the but as everybody I 'm sure is aware we 've got erm divisional A L O's based within as Crime Prevention Officers , the main concern for my particular area is Bill although based at has actually for the last three years built up a good working relationship and inspected staff from and .
17 Clean and well organised , she could conjure up the best with the poorest ingredients .
18 The Prime Minister was attending the first meeting at the Royal Society of Arts in London of the Walpole Committee , an amalgam of private industry whose objective is to talk up the best that Britain has to offer .
19 and we will not give up the good things in life for Greenpeace and for a clean environment
20 At the moment it seems that Labour is poised to pick up a good swathe of its targets — but not , yet , quite enough of them to put Mr Kinnock safely into Downing Street .
21 He made a bad Budget error on the threshold of the succession , many Tory MPs were said to prefer ( of all people ) Inskip , and there seems no doubt that Baldwin , had he wished , could have stirred up a good cauldron of uncertainty .
22 The Mental Health Act 1983 has stirred up a good deal of argument and controversy , which is , arguably , a very good thing in an area where individual liberty is at such risk .
23 When the champion hurdler , Beech Road , and Morley Street won at Cheltenham ten days ago it was hard to say which put up the better performance and which would be the stable 's first choice for the Champion Hurdle should both be trained for the race .
24 Phillips says that ‘ at first we try to set up a good rapport and explore the range of powers claimed .
25 We tend to think that it is a modern problem , trying to set up the best lifestyle so that the need for personal commitment to the home is balanced with other social and career activities .
26 The days of reading philosophy , politics , and economics , called PPE , came up a good deal .
27 Its primary function is to sharpen up the best of good practice . ’
28 I could work up a good froth and then make my entrance doing an impression of a rabid dog .
29 No market advisers could ever have dreamed up a better ploy because Laura was only enunciating theories she had always believed in .
30 Wealth , power , dames : Daine could n't have Dreamed up a better situation for himself in the City if he had been trying .
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